
 19日(日)には、Dr. Teerha PiratvisuthとDr. Sakon SinghaをEMP講座にお招きします。





                                    Jitsinee Kraithep
  My name is Jitsinee Kraithep or you can call me Hong. I’m 4th year medical student from Prince of Songkhla university. It’s my greatest experience to be here in the University of Miyazaki for training in surgery and radiology. Here I can see a lot of interesting things and technology that I’ve never seen before. And I can see how Japanese doctors work and how they take care of the patients. It’s very useful for my life. Also all doctors were very kind and friendly. They answered every question I asked and explained a lot about the cases. I really appreciate that. And my friends were very friendly and kind. They took good care of us in everything. Making friends with them was very great. I’m glad that I had friends like them. Everything was well-prepared. I will tell everyone in Songhla. “Go to Miyazaki, the greatest experience is waiting for you.”And the experience here will be in my mind forever. I’ll not forget everything.

                                                                                                           Phannarai Chuarypat 
  3 weeks in Miyazaki, it’s a great time to learn many things different from my background - the Japanese culture, language, food. I’ll call it “An experience of life abroad”. As for the medical training in hospital, I attend 2 departments here ? surgery and radiology. I observe endoscopes and operations. In some cases I can participate in the operation. There are many impressions I have of the University of Miyazaki, such as taking care of the patients politely, using many different technologies for investigation and conference pre-op and post-op for every case. I learned that you must do the best for the patients. And the most important impression is the kindness and helpfulness of the professors, the doctors, the teachers, the officials and our Japanese friends I’d like to say “Arigato-gozaimasu.” for everything.

                                                                                                        Sornsamon Poovipirom
  Hi! My name is Berm. I’m 4th year medical student from Prince of Songhla University (PSU). I came to University of Miyazaki for 3 weeks (2 weeks in surgery and 1 week in radiology). Actually I hadn’t heard the name “University of Miyazaki” before but I think that this program looked very interesting so I applied and looked forward to having a good time in Japan. On the first day in Japan, many medical students, teachers and officers came to greet us (the 3 people in this program), so I felt warm and happy. They helped us in everything that they could do for us. I stayed at the woman’s dormitory in Kibana Campus. My friends picked me up every morning (5 minutes by car) to go to the hospital. At the hospital I participated in operations, saw an endoscope, did the rounds and joined conferences. Professors and doctors were very kind to me and taught me a lot. Moreover if we had time or on weekend, my friends took me to see the city, sightseeing and eating out. So we had fun and shared opinions with together. I would like to invite everyone to join this program. You will gain not only knowledge but you will also have fun, friends, experiences and  more things that I can’t tell you because you must to join and only then you will learn. At least I want to thank you for everyone such as professor, doctor, officer and especially my Japanese friends that take care of me and my friends, not only that they help me in everything that they can do. Thanks with my sincerely.

                                                                                                                                Ami Cho
  This was my first experience to come in close contact with foreign students. They were very polite, kind, nice and especially eager to study medicine. They asked doctors many questions about operations, examinations and treatments. So, I was very impressed by their earnestness. Thanks to them, I could have a special time. 

                                                                                                               Tomoko Tsukahara

  I really enjoyed having a nice time with the exchange students of the Prince of Songkhla University. I sometimes looked around the surgery department with them and was given a lot of stimulation by them. First I was surprised at their English skill. They knew not only many general words and expressions but also medical terms very well. In Japan we students have some opportunity to read and write English, but we seldom have chance to speak and listen. Moreover students are tend to keep away from English, so I was really surprised that Thai student could speak English and knew English medical terms. Secondary I noticed they had much medical knowledge though they were fourth grade students then. Thirdly They gave me a lot of fun times. We spent much time together chatting. They let me know about Thai culture, Thai food, general circumstances of Thailand, and so on. I’m sure that the time spent with them will become a precious memory, and I will never forget it.  



 EMPプログラム開始 EMP Program Started!

 ソンクラ大学でのクリニカル・クラークシップに向けて、4・5年生向けの英語研修が行なわれました。ソンクラ大学よりDr. Teerha Piratvisuth, Dr. Sakon Singhaを、カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校からFeizal Waffarn教授を招いて、ケイス・スタディ、プリゼンテイションなどを行ないました。2006年度、EMP (English for Medical Purpsoes)が4年生の選択科目に加えられます。
 English training for forth and fifth year students was held toward the clinical clerkship in Songkla University. We invited Dr. Teerha Piratvisuth, Dr. Sakon Singha (Songkla University) and Dr.Feizal Waffarn(University of California, Irvine) then had case study and presentation. In 2006, EMP (English for Medical Purposes) is provided optional subject for the forth-year residents. 

             ソンクラ大視察 医学科社会医学講座英語分野助教授 横山彰三

 2006年12月11日から14日まで、科学研究費補助金による調査でタイのプリンスオブソンクラ大学(PSU) 医学部を訪問し、現地では大変な歓迎を受けました。訪問の主な目的は専門英語(医学)の教育に関する科研の調査を実施することと、もう一つは今年から本学医学部で始まるEMP(English for Medical Purposes)プログラム実施に向けた両大学医学部の緊密な協力関係を築くためです。PSUではレジデントの1年生に必修、2年生に選択の英語教育を課しており、PSU医学部の副学部長によればこのシステムはタイでも他に類を見ないユニークなものです。クラスの一つを実際に見学する機会を得ましたが、レジデントたちは臨床研修で大変忙しいにもかかわらず、英語学習に大変熱心でかつそれを楽しんでいる様子でした。この光景を見て、今後我々が計画しているEMPプログラムにとって成功の鍵を握るのは、明確な目的と適切なシステムに基づいた言語学習プログラムと教師の熱意であることを確信しました。写真はこちら(1と2と3)です。
From December 11th to 14th in 2005 I visited Prince of Songkla University's (PSU), Faculty of Medicine subsidized by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research. The PSU staff gave us a warm welcome. The main objective of this visit was to carry out research on medical English education at PUS in reference to my own corpus project for creating an academic reading and writing educational system, and also to build a close collaborative relationship in order to implement an English for Medical Purpose (EMP) program to be conducted at University of Miyazaki (UM). PSU provides an obligatory English program to the first-year residents, which is optional for the second-year residents. This is, according to the Vice Dean of Prince Songkhla University, a unique approach among universities in Thailand. We had a chance to join in one of the classes, and it seemed that, although they were tied up in their clinical training, the students were very enthusiastic and enjoying themselves, which convinced us that a language program with a clear objective, a suitable system, and enthusiastic instructors will be the keys to the success of our new EMP program at UM. (YOKOYAMA Shozo)
	ソンクラにいっての感想                       日吉優
 『タイでは医師といったら、なんでもできるもの』ソンクラでの実習はまさしく、この言葉につきます。医学教育のシステムは、医師が足りないという状況もあるため全てが実践的です。5年になると、病棟実習が開始され、担当患者の事はまず学生が問診し、所見をとり、検査、治療方針をたて、それをレジデントが毎朝のラウンドでチェックするといった状況です。グラム染色や、便検査などは学生がやってしまいます。こういう状況では何の検査をし、どのような薬をどれくらい使うかといったことまでやっています。Community hospitalでの実習になると、一人で虫垂炎などのオペはやってしまう。ですから、タイでは何科の医師でも虫垂炎のオペはできるそうです。このように、学生は実習そして帰ってからの勉強を通して、全てを学んでいきます。
 日本で卒後にやることをそのまま5年、レジデントがやっている。何もできない自分が非常に恥ずかしく思えました。ソンクラでとても親切にご指導いただいた先生方、仲良くなった学生達に心から感謝しています。そして、このようなチャンスを与えて頂いた関係者の皆様に感謝いたします。最後にCommunity medicineの教授からの言葉を・・・。“If you know about diseases, you will be only a doctor. But if you know about patients, you will be a good doctor.”

   Impressions in Songkla
  “In Thailand, physicians have an image of being al-powerful.” This impression encapsulates my experience of the clinical clerkship program in Songkla. The medical education system is practical because of the lack of doctors. In the 5th grade bedside teaching begins in the hospital. Students take medical histories, write down observations, and develop a course of examinations and treatments, which residents check during their morning rounds. Students even make Gram solutions and fecal examinations. They decide what kind of examinations and medicines are necessary according to the individual circumstances. During bedside teaching in a community hospital, we saw one doctor finish an appendicitis operation by himself. Every doctor in Thailand can do an appendicitis operation regardless of their speciality. Thai students learn medicine through this system so that 5th-year students and residents can do some of what is normally done by doctors. I felt ashamed of my immaturity.
  I thank all teaches and students who were very kind to me in Thailand and who provided us such an opportunity. I’d like to finish with a professor’s remark, “If you know about diseases, you will be only a doctor. But if you know about patients, you will be a good doctor.” (HIYOSHI Masaru)

 感想                                                                        医学科6年 今吉鈴子
 今回、ソンクラ大学のクリニカル・クラークシップに参加させて頂いて、貴重な経験をさせて頂きました。最も印象に残っているのは、タイと日本の医学教育の違いを体験できたことです。特に、最後の一週間に訪れた、地域の診療所での医師達の姿です。その診療所では、GP(General Practitioner:総合診察医)とよばれる医師達が、地域の患者の診療の中心を担っており、一人の医師が内科的疾患から、外科、産科など、あらゆる疾患を診ていました。

   I had a valuable experience in the Clinical Clerkship Program at Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand. What made the biggest impression on me was the difference I found between the educational systems of Thailand and Japan. I was especially impressed by the doctors of the local clinic in which we spent our last week. The general practitioners there took the initiative in treating their patients and were very capable in a variety of fields, including internal medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. 
  The importance of GPs has been under discussion recently in Japan. There is no GP system in Japan, so patients have to choose a specialist for primary care. But if patients could see a GP, they could still decide later whether to see a specialist or not. The Clinical Clerkship Program made me realize how much GPs can contribute to primary care in a community. Here in Japan we seem to have too many doctors in urban areas and not enough in rural areas. The creation of a GP system might solve this problem by offering sufficient primary care to both urban and rural areas. Thank you to all who gave us such a great opportunity to learn. I hope many future students will have the chance to study and learn about medical systems in foreign countries, and utilize this knowledge to the fullest upon their return to Japan. ( IMAYOSHI Suzuko)

                                 医学科6年 西垣啓介

  I can neither hear nor speak, though I know words. Is this a Japanese characteristic? I see a similar situation in medicine, and I thought of this while at Songkla. In Japan we learn medicine by observing, listening, thinking, memorizing a huge amount of information, and struggling through many exams. Japan and Thailand have different circumstances and different medical systems. Who’s to say which is better? I feel that students at Songkla were learning medicine by a more ‘hands on’ approach, dealing with people face to face. My month-long stay at Songkla was an invaluable experience, one I’m certain will always be an inspiration to me. (NISHIGAKI Keisuke)



                   6年生 杉田泰雅 (平成18年8月2日から8月25日)


 感染症科では毎日Dr.パンティップの回診に同行しました。回診は他科のコンサルトをうけて病院中をまわるものでした。レジデント2年目のDr.タムが病歴を英語で読み上げ、データなどを見た上でDr.パンティップが処方するというものでした。薬学部フェローのパム先生と薬学部レジデントの2名の女性も回診に同行しました。学生は我々二人だけでした(何回かPSUの5年生2名も同行しました。) 抗生剤の理論は微生物学の講義で学びましたが、用量・用法などの臨床的なことは学んでいなかったので、議論にほとんどついていけませんでした。我々がほとんどわかっていないことを知りつつも英語で議論してくれて、ありがたく思いつつも恥ずかしい気持ちの方が大きかったです。


 それ以外には、我々2人とPSUの5年生2人に抗生剤についてと寄生虫についての講義をしてもらいました。その5年生の1人は、我々よりも英語が流暢でない数少ない 5年生の1人でしたが、医学的なことになるとペラペラ話すので驚きました。これは次にまわった小児科でも経験しました。PSUの学生はたいてい我々よりも英語が話せますが、あまり英語が得意でない学生でも患者のプレゼンテーションをするときはうまく話します。そのような教育を受けているのでしょうか?



 小児科は毎朝7時30分くらいからレジデントラウンドがあり、9時くらいからスタッフラウンドがありました。学生はそれよりも早く来て自分の患者を見てまわります。我々のポリクリはほとんどの科で担当患者が1人だけでしたが、PSUは違いました。5ブロックくらいある小児科の病棟のうち1ブロックにだけ学生がまわっていたのですが、1ブロックに患者は15人くらいいます。6年生は1人しかいなかったので1人で15人みます。サマリーも書くし、処方もします。5年生は2,3人まわっていたので分担になりますが、それでも5人から8人患者をもっています。多くの患者を自分でもつし、日本よりも侵襲的な手技が認められているし、毎朝レジデントの回診につき、スタッフの回診につき、また夕方にレジデントの回診につき、しかも患者が15人と少ないですから回診も儀式的ではなく教育的なものとなり、非常に有意義な臨床実習だと感じました。またPSUの学生は議論を好みます。この症状から何が考えられる? こういうときはどういう検査をする? 治療は? など質問をしてきます。議論好きな私も臨床知識の不足と英語の不自由さのためたじたじでした。英会話や臨床手技ではとうていかなわないであろうと予測していましたが、臨床に即した知識という面でも歯が立たず、非常に悔しい思いをしました。



 今回のPSUでの実習は私の魂を震撼させるものでした。悔しい思いを多くしたので、今後さらに努力しようと決意しました。また知識面、診察面でも多くを学びました。このような有意義な実習をすることができたのは、PSUの感染症科、小児科のスタッフ、レジデント、学生たちのおかげです。また、特別に受け入れてくださったDr ティーラ、交渉をして下さった丸山先生、PSUの事務の方々にこの場を借りてお礼をいたします。それから3週間半の期間を通して、3月に宮崎にきたBerm,Tang,Hongがお世話をしてくれましたし、新しく知り合った5年生たちも親切にしてくれました。彼女たちにも感謝しています。








 ソンクラ大6年生のDasinee Budcharoentong(ニックネームはジップだそうです)さんが、5月11日まで臨床実習に参加するために本学に滞在されます。第1外科と産婦人科で研修を受け、大学病院前の職員宿舎に宿泊予定です。
