2023年 9月 21日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments



2022年 11月 30日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments
小島けい2022年個展報告 2022 Exhibition in Tokyo

カフェ&ギャラリーRoomer(ルーマー)Cafe & Gallery Roomer

<個展、無事終了致しました!> 2022 Exhibition Finished
11月18日(金)~11月20日(日)に開催致しました<小島けい個展 2022>は無事終了致しました。Kojima Kei Exhibition 2022 was successfully finished (November 18~20).
コロナの猛威が続いているにもかかわらず、会場に足をお運び下さいました皆様、ほんとうにありがとうございました。Thank you for your coming to the exhibition though Covid 19 is still in vogue.
私自身は宮崎で”自宅待機”という形でしたが。その状況でも、新しい絵のご注文をいただいたり。また、ご自身は遠くて、会場に来られないにもかかわらず、絵をご購入下さったり。重ねて御礼申し上げます。I feel sorry I was forced to stay in Miyazaki, this year, too. I am grateful that a woman ordered a painting, and a man, living far away, bought a painting though he wasn’t able to visit the exhibition, in this situation. Thanks again.
毎年のことですが。搬入から搬出まで、そして、個展期間中の対応など、何から何まで、オーナーの映子さまをはじめ、たくさんの方々のお力をお借りして、何とか今年も個展を実現することができました。I am so glad the exhibition was held with the help of many people, especially of Ms Eiko, Gallery owner who brought in and out paintings, dealing with visitors, and so on.
心より、深く御礼申しあげます。Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
カフェ&ギャラリーRoomer(ルーマー)で In Cafe & Gallery Roomer

<展示作品20点のうちの10点>↓(続きます)10 exhibited pieces among 20 (Continued)

馬の親子(ダスティとジャスミン)とチューリップ(4号): 2022年カレンダー3月

お散歩(犬)シェルティーとさんた(2号): 2022年カレンダー1月

すみれの村の犬(ポチ)(3号): 2022年カレンダー8月

メリー・クリスマス(赤いポインセチアと犬と猫)(3号): 2022年カレンダー12月

回転木馬(4号): 2021年カレンダー表紙

観覧車(4号):4号 2022年カレンダー表紙

犬(ラッキー)とブルーポピー(2号): 2022年カレンダー4月

青い街と子猫(SM): 2022年カレンダー7月

オーロラと犬(ゆうちゃん)(4号): 2022年カレンダー11月

毎日ひとりで散歩する馬(ジェニー)(2号): 2022年カレンダー6月
→「小島けい2021年個展案内・開始・終了」 Kojima Kei Exhibition 2021
2022年 10月 26日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments
<カレンダー、できました!> Calendar Printed!

先日、10月7日に、カレンダー→「私の散歩道2023~犬・猫・ときどき馬~」(↓)が、届きました。2023 Calendar arrived on Ocober 7 .
昨年末から今年の9月上旬まで、毎日書き続けてきた絵の集大成が、小さな一冊のカレンダーになり、ほっとしています。I kept water-painted from last year’s end to early September, so I feel relieved when I saw a collection of my pater-paintings printed.
個展でも、お楽しみいただけたらと思いますが。個展に足を運ぶのが難しい皆様にも、順次お送りしたいと思っておりますので、今しばらくお待ち下さいませ。I hope you might enjoy those water-paintings. I’m planning to send calendar copy one by one, so please wait for a while.
2022年 10月 26日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments
2023年のカレンダー 2023Calendar
<カレンダー、できました!> – (in English) Calendar Printed!

先日、10月7日に、カレンダー→「私の散歩道2023~犬・猫・ときどき馬~」(↓)が、届きました。2023 Calendar arrived on October 7 .
昨年末から今年の9月上旬まで、毎日書き続けてきた絵の集大成が、小さな一冊のカレンダーになり、ほっとしています。I kept water-painted from last year’s end to early September, so I feel relieved as I saw a collection of my pater-paintings printed.
個展でも、お楽しみいただけたらと思いますが。個展に足を運ぶのが難しい皆様にも、順次お送りしたいと思っておりますので、今しばらくお待ち下さいませ。I hope you might enjoy those water-paintings. I’m planning to send calendar copy one by one, so please wait for a while.
2023年用のカレンダーです ↓

表紙:<猫の街>(ローテンブルグ) The Town of Cats (Rothenburg)

1月:<シェスタ>(アラスカンハスキー) January: Shesta (Alaskan Husky)

2月:<シンディと梅> February: Cindy & Japanese apricot

3月:<琥珀とバラ> March: Kohaku (Amber) & Roses

4月:<ビーグル犬とぼたん> April: A Beagle Dog & Peonies

5月:<のらとのあ> May: Nora & Noah

6月:<アヌル猫とイリス> June: An Anul Cat & An Iris

July: A Horse Family (Cafe & Mocha) & Ladies’ tresses

August: A Shepherd Family ( Maldives Sea)

September: A Saluki Family & A Cat (Santorini)

10月:<モエとコスモス> October: Moe & Cosmos

11月:<アリスたちとあけび> November: Alice & Akebia quinata

12月<馬(ジプシー)とイチョウ> December: A Horse (Gypsy) & Ginkgo
2022年 9月 17日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments
2022 Kojima Kei Water Painting Exhibition

ようやく秋になりましたが、皆様、いかがおすごしでしょうか。犬ちゃん、猫ちゃんたちも元気ですか。Autumn is finally here. How is everyone doing? How are your dogs and cats?
私は、昨年末から9月第一週まで、ずうっと絵を描き続けておりました。そのため、個展のお知らせが遅くなってしまい、申しわけございません。I kept water-painting from the end of last year to the first week of September, so I’m sorry for this late notice of my exhibition.
<小島けい個展 2022> 2022 Kojima Kei Water Painting Exhibition
場所:カフェ&ギャラリー Roomer(ルーマー)Cafe & Gallery Roomer
11:30~19:00, November 18~20
今年は<ルーマー>で個展をさせていただいて、10年目です。それだけに、ぜひ皆様と直接お会いしたい!と思っておりましたが・・・・。This is the tenth anniversary of my exhibition at the Roomer, so I wish I could go and see you….
大変申しわけございませんが、今年も、私は宮崎で自宅待機という形での開催となります。I feel sorry that I won’t be able to join the exhibition. Covid 19 will force me to stay in Miyazaki, this year, too.
(ただ、もしも<ズーム>をご希望の方がおられましたら、オーナーの映子様にお知らせ下さいませ。)When you like to have a meeting on zoom, never hesitate to contact Ms Eiko, Gallery owner .
個展では、今年(2022年)のカレンダーに載っている絵の原画と、新しい2023年のカレンダーとそのカードをお楽しみいただけたら、と思っております。Please enjoy appreciating the water-paintings of 2022 Calendar, and 2023 Calendar & its picture cards.
小島けい Kojima Kei
2022年 9月 9日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments




→「小島けい個展 2009に行きました。」(2009年9月25日)





2022年 5月 16日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments
Continued Mondo Mail Magazine 41, April 20, 2022
Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses~⑳:
My Essay: Thanks this year, too!

A Parrot –Kuh-chan (I once painted) & Hibiscuses
A short time ago. I have frequently heard birds chirping aroud the windows upstairs.
Wondering, “It can’t be…,” I gazed at the balcony on the 2nd floor. In the rain a bird came back to the BS (Broadcasting Satellite) antenna beside the balcony. As it is raining today, the bird is busy grooming, while chirping. It was for quite some time.
A short time later. I looked out the window as the chirping was so hard, and found two or three birds of the same type sit on the railing of the balcony, chirping. Then, all birds were hurriedly flying up maybe because of feeling the line of my sight from inside.
Above the handrail of the balcony there are the eaves, under which the hole for the air conditioning duct is left open.
Under the eaves of the balcony a bird raised children twice during several years. The first bird was a little bigger and shaped like a slendar pigeon.
The second bird was a little smaller than the first one, and of a dark color.
Last few years nothing happened, so I think birds won’t come any more, but….
Today I saw the figure of a bird for the first time. It is about three times the size of a sparrow with a little long beak, and slightly of an orange color. The whole is black, but there is also white around the belly. It’s more colorful than the birds I’ve ever seen.
When children are young, the mother carries foods to them many times. Today I felt I saw three birds for a while. The birds I saw on the handrail was not only the mother bird.
Here in this house a completely pesticide-free vegetable garden can be seen below, so food worms for the bird are plentiful enough. The time of leaving the nest is not so far. I said to myself, “Eat a lot of those worms, and grow up. Thank you for your coming to our house this year! Thanks.” These days we have heard a lot of gloomy news, but for me, this is a very good news, indeed. Thanks to those birds, I was stimulated to write this essay after quite an absence.

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, August, 2013
→「ハイビスカス」 – Hibiscusもどうぞ。←Why don’t visit the site?
2022年 5月 12日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments
馬(ジプシー)とイチョウ – A Horse (Gypsy) & Ginkgo

The latest work.
The name of the horse is Gypsy. This is the horse who came to the ranch first, where I’m one of the regular horse-riding members. Gypsy is still active in getting the members on the back in the ranch and many hotel guests at the branch ranch near the Seagaia Resort Hotel in Miyazaki, Japan. I have also received a favor from the horse for 17 years.
I water-painted Gypsy with gingko of golden color, hoping to make the painting bright.
2022年 5月 12日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments
My Gallery: A Mother Horse and her Child With Tulips
My Gallery: Continued Mondo Mail Magazine 40, March 20, 2022)

馬の親子とチューリップ – A Mother Horse and her Child With Tulips

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, March, 2022
I surely remember that there is a Japanese children’s song, “The mother horse and her child are good friends. They always walk together. Trot-trot….”
This parent and child are “Dusty” and “Jasmin.”

ダスティ – Dusty

→「小島けい個展 2009に行きました。」– 2009 Kojima Kei ‘s Exhibition
A horse born in a ranch spends together with the mother in the same stable for a while just after the birth. In such a time. When I come up to the child horse, saying “Let me take your picture,” the child horse with curiosity comes up close to the camera at first, “What? What?”
The mother, next, comes up to the camera with the chin on the child’s head, too, “What? What?” as she is also interested in the camera.
I water-painted such a joyful moment with tulips in springtime bright color.

ジャスミンとコスモス Jasmin & Cosmos

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, October, 2021
2022年 5月 2日 - Posted by kei - 0 Comments
– Lucky (Mutt) & Blue Poppies
My Gallery: Continued Mondo Mail Magazine 42, April 20, 2022)

ラッキーとブルーポピー – Lucky & Blue Poppies

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, April, 2022
I’m not sure it happened two or three years ago. One day I went to a ranch and found a strange dog tied to a log house. When I got closer to the dog, he eagerly barked at me.
In the ranch where I go horse riding Irish setters have been kept for generations. To all appearances this dog is “real” mutt, mixed breed in modern terms. “How come this dog’s here?” I asked a stuff, and he said to me, “Owner Megu picked him up in the mountain in a neighboring Oita.”
Lucky, given that name, still barks at me when I get closer to him. He has become smarter little by little. These days while barking, he can “sit” when he is given a piece of cheese as a treat.
I water-painted Lucky, spending happily in the ranch after the “lucky” encounter, with beautiful Himalayan blue poppies, which are said be phantom flowers.
<牧場のアイリッシュセッターたちIrish setters in the ranch>

No. 1 レイチェルと子犬 Rachel and Poppies

No. 2 ルーシーと木立ちダリア Lucy and Tree Dahlias

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, November, 2018

No. 3 レイチェルと猫たち(ジェリーとジャガー)とマーガレット
Rachel , Cats (Jerry & Jagar) & Margarets

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, Cover, 2015

No. 4 メリーとメイとラベンダー Merry, May, & Lavenders

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, Cover, 2016

No. 5 シェルターとログハウス Shelter & Log House

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, February, 2016

No. 6 シェルターとモルディブの海 Shelter & Maldivian Sea

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, August, 2019

No. 7 ローラと子山羊とマーガレットLaura, Young Goats & Margarets

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, April, 2021

No. 8 ゆうちゃんとオーロラ Yuchan (Irish setter) & Aurora

Kojima Kei’s Calendar ~Dogs, Cats, and Sometimes Horses, November, 2022