トーイックのTest 1のPart 3(リスニング)の41~46(2問)、西アフリカの歌手二人の紹介、ビルのA Short History of Black Americansの朗読、西田くんのSlave Tradeの発表。
西田くんのSlave Tradeの発表、きちんと調べて来てよかったと思うよ。バズゥル・デヴィドスンが指摘してるように、今の時代に一番影響の強かった出来事奴隷貿易についてのドイツ人カール・マルクスが言ったSlavery was an essential part of the international capitalist market. By this trade the first large-scale collection of wealth was accumulated, speeding up development towards capitalism.は押さえておく必要があるね。日本語訳は最後に貼っておきます。
* コメント(何人か)
* トーイック関連: Part 3の続き
* 「アフリカシリーズ」の紹介
* Rootsの映像の続き。
CHAPTER 3: A Short History of Black Americans," in Africa and Its Descendantsアフリカ黒人小史、『アフリカ、その末裔たち』収載
By the early 1500’s, black people were going to the New World. The first blacks went to America as explorers, not as slaves.
In 1619 twenty Africans were unloaded in Jamestown, Virginia. That was the year when the roots of slavery began in the United States. Slave ships filled with captured black men and women began to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to the American shores.
In the slave trade the merchants’ profits and the products from America were exchanged in Europe for guns and cloth which were brought to Africa and exchanged for slaves. These humans were sold in America where they produced the goods to be brought to Europe. This was the so-called 'triangle trade’ or 'triangular trade.’ The riches of capitalists grew while Africa suffered. This slave trade continued for three and a half centuries and brought millions of Africans to America.
European, above all English and American capitalists had gained enormous profits from the trade in slaves and the work performed by the slaves. Slavery was an essential part of the international capitalist market. By this trade the first large-scale collection of wealth was accumulated, speeding up development towards capitalism. The 'triangular trade’ was one of the foundations of the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
For Africa the consequences of the slave trade were ruinous, not only in terms of the boundless suffering of the millions who were taken as slaves, and their descendants, but also for those left behind. In the Middle Passage sometimes whole groups of Africans, taken on deck at night for air, would leap into the sea – committing mass suicide rather than go into slavery.