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When Europeans arrived in the southern part of Africa, different peoples had been living there for some centuries. Groups of San people lived in the mountains and on the edges of the deserts in the southeast. They hunted rock rabbits, lizards, locusts and so forth. Near them lived the Khoikhoi who herded cattle and had more permanent camps than the San. They sometimes intermarried.
The Europeans began to settle down in the latter half of the 17th Century on the initiative of the Dutch East India Company. The Dutch traders had out-rivalled the Portuguese and taken over the spice trade with Asia. Because the voyage to Asia was long, the Company built a depot of provisions at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652. A small white settlement was to grow vegetables and supply other services for the Company. The colony was completely dependent on the Company, among other things for the supply of arms. The Dutch colonialists called themselves Boers. It means farmers in Afrikaans, their Dutch dialect.
Disputes between the Boers and the Company made them move further inland. The first people they met were the Khoikhoi, whose pasture they conquered. Worse still for the Khoikhoi, the settlers forced them to hand over their cattle. It so was the very basis of their social system. The Khoikhoi were forced to work for the European settlers. The whites’ intrusion meant catastrophe for the San. Only a few San escaped and fled into the Kalahari desert. Their descendants live to this day under much more primitive conditions than did their forefathers in their rich soil.
The Xhosa and the Zulu peoples were most numerous in South Africa. Land was owned collectively, but cultivated individually. This might be called a moderate kind of socialism. When these highly developed cultures with their strong military organization clashed with the Boers, they could not be defeated as easily as the Khoikhoi and the San. The Wars of Dispossession started in 1871. The battles were many and fierce during the nine wars. The whites could only consolidate their control over what was formerly African land by crushing these African military kingdoms with superior arms. This process was almost completed in 1881. But the Boers never conquered South Africa completely. Conquest was completed only when the British forces took over the process.
Britain feared that French control of the Cape could jeopardize British interests in India and trade with the East, and in 1795 sent a large British force to the Cape and forced the Dutch governor to capitulate. The Boers at once came into conflict with Britain. Britain was looking for raw materials and new markets for industrial goods. Slave trade and slave labour were no longer necessary. But for the Boers slavery was the foundation of their economy, so they resisted all attempts to abolish it. This contradiction resulted in bitter conflicts between them and the British colonialists. In 1833 the British managed to abolish slavery in the Cape. Many Boers, particularly the wealthy ones, left the Cape and moved inland in big ox caravans. This was called the Great Boer Trek. The Boers who stayed in the Cape needed workers for their farms, so they imported workers from Indonesia and Malaysia, Dutch colonies in Asia.
By 1854 South Africa was divided into four provinces. The British claimed the Cape and Natal, the coastal provinces rich in soil. The Boers had established two inland republics: the Orange Free State and Transvaal, which Britain had to recognize as autonomous.
The number of colonizers of British origin gradually grew. In Natal province sugar cultivation was started on a large scale at the end of the 19th century, and Indians were imported as indentured labour (See Appendix South Africa 1).
The British and British capital became really interested in South Africa only when diamonds were found in 1867 and gold in 1886. This also caused a growing conflict with the Boers, since the rich deposits were found in their republics.
The first diamonds were discovered in the area which later was to become the Kimberley diamond fields.
The diamonds on the surface were soon depleted. A more costly technique was then required to exploit diamonds under the surface. This furthered capital concentration, i.e. the concentration of ownership in fewer hands. In 1888 all diamond mines were controlled by a company called de Beers Consolidated, which before the turn of the century controlled 90% of world production. The company was in the hands of the British imperialist Cecil Rhodes, who also was Prime Minister in the Cape colony.
The Boers had every reason to be suspicious of British capital. They viewed the railway with apprehension; it wound northwards from the Cape, and charged heavy freight fees and duties in the harbour. The Boers wanted to keep the gold-rich areas for themselves, and they looked for allies. The rivalry between the European imperialist powers in `the scramble for Africa’ gave the Boers a new chance to get rid of their dependence on the British harbours. With German and Dutch capital a railway line was built from Transvaal to the Mozambican coast.
The ruling Boers in Transvaal tried to channel income from the British-owned mines there to themselves. The tense situation between the Boers and the British led to the second Anglo-Boer War in 1899. It ended in 1902 with victory for British imperialism. Cruelties were committed on both sides, but the concentration camps set up by the British for Boer women and children left especially bitter scars.
The Boers traditionally had two enemies: the indigenous Africans, whose cattle and land they coveted and whom they tried to make into slaves, and British imperialism, which was out to exploit the riches of South Africa. But when it came to exploiting the Africans, the Boers made common cause with the economically superior British.
During the Boer War the British government had claimed that its objective was to protect the Africans. But in the peace treaty the whole question of the political future of the Africans in South Africa was left in the hands of the Boers and the British colonialists. In May 1910 the Union of South Africa was created, which meant that the British government handed over all political power to the whites in South Africa. It was only the negotiated product of the Boers and the British colonialists with their common cause of exploiting the Africans.
The first Union parliament created the African reserves through the Native Land Act in 1913, which made previous practices the law. Whites were forbidden to buy or rent land in the reserves, and Africans could neither buy nor rent outside the reserves. The only exception was the Cape province where, for some time, Africans were still allowed to purchase land. The law meant that 78% of the population was supposed to live in reserves comprising only 7.3% of the area of the country.
For a farming people to be deprived of their land was a hard and bitter blow, which at once strengthened opposition. The South African Native National Congress, which changed its name to the African National Congress (ANC) in 1925, was formed in 1912 to unite the Africans in defence of their right to land and to demand political rights. When the Land Act was still in preparation, a delegation of leading Africans was sent to London. Their mission was fruitless and the African leaders were beginning to realize that no solution to their plight could be found in London.
The 1913 Native Land Act was in force until 1936. That year a new law, the Native Trust and Land Act, extended the area of the reserves to 13.7%. This law was in force till all the apartheid laws were abolished in 1991. This law was the foundation of the apartheid regime’s land consolidation for the `homelands,’ the so-called Bantustans.
The Africans in South Africa have a long and bitter experience of anti-colonial struggle. In the early days, the method of protest was to send futile petitions to the British government. At this time the nationalist movement still consisted of persons speaking for the mass of the Africans rather than with them. In the beginning there were few workers in the movement. These were absorbed in the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU) which was formed in 1919, during the post-war rise in workers’ consciousness.
The South African Communist Party (SACP) was formed in 1921. Many Communists worked inside the ICU, which first only raised wage demands, but in the late 1920’s developed into a general protest movement against racial discrimination.
The struggle pursued by the ANC, the ICU and the Communist Party against the pass laws, for land to the Africans, for political rights, better working conditions and against discrimination, was waged with all available non-violent methods. Meetings and rallies were held, demonstrations organized, signatures collected for open letters, and support given to strikers. But the government would not be influenced and instead replied by ruthlessly crushing opposition.
The Second World War meant in South Africa as in all colonized parts of Africa, a new self-awareness among the Africans. In 1945 the ANC adopted its new programme – Africans’ Claims – which laid the basis for later stands. The ANC demanded general and equal suffrage, a redistribution of land, total freedom of movement and habitation and an end to all discrimination.
The methods of struggle were still boycotts, demonstrations, and other forms of organized, passive resistance. But an impatience with the futile attempts to appeal to 'enlightened’ white leaders led to a greater degree of militancy, and to the formulation of 'African nationalism’ as the ideological platform. Responsible for the radicalization above all was the Congress Youth League, the youth section of the ANC, which was formed in 1944.
The first big confrontation after the War was the miners’ strike in 1946. It was led by the African Mine Workers’ Union which was formed in 1941 and had grown rapidly. A hundred thousand miners struck for a week. The strike was brutally suppressed by police in actions where hundreds were killed and injured. The miners’ strike pointed to the foundation of resistance: the mines are the vital nerve of the South African economy and the core of the nationalist movement was more and more made up of the working class, with a higher consciousness than in most African states.
Appendix South Africa 1 附録
Mahatma Gandhi experienced discrimination when he visited Pretoria in the late 1890s. He stood up against the discriminatory laws and made a speech for co-operation to the Indian audience:
GANDHI: I want to welcome you all, everyone of you. We have no secrets. Let us begin by being clear about General Smuts’ new law. All Indians must now be fingerprinted like criminals, men and women. No marriage, other than a Christian marriage, is considered valid. Under this Act our wives and mothers are whores and every man here is a bastard.
KHAN: He has become quite good at this.
GANDHI: And a police man, passing an Indian dwelling, Ah, I would not call them homes, may enter and demand the card of any Indian woman whose dwelling it is. Understand he does not have to stand at the door, he may enter.
AUDIENCE: I will not allow . . .
AUDIENCE: I swear to Allah. I’ll kill the man who offers that insult to my home and my wife. And let them hang me.
AUDIENCE: I say talk means nothing. Kill a few officers before they disgrace one Indian woman, then they might think twice about such laws. In that cause I would be willing to die.
GANDHI: I praise such courage. I need such courage because in this cause I, too, am prepared to die, but my friends, there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill. Whatever they do to us, we will attack no one, kill no one, but we will not give our fingerprints, not one of us. They will imprison us, and they will fine us. They will seize our possessions, but they cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.
AUDIENCE: Have you been to prison? They beat us and torture us. I say that . . .
GANDHI: I am asking you to fight, to fight against their anger, not to provoke it. We will not strike a blow, but we will receive them. And through our pain we will make them see their injustice and it will hurt as all fighting hurts but we cannot lose, we cannot. They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead body, not my obedience. We are Hindu and Muslim, children of God, each one of us. Let us take a solemn oath in his name that come what may we will not submit to this law.
All: God save our gracious King, Long live . . . (From the American film Gandhi)
THE 1948 APARTHEID REGIME 1948年のアパルトヘイト政権
African resistance put a strain on the white alliance of the Afrikaners and the British, and created a crisis in the South African system. Social changes lay behind the increased African militancy, and the ruling party, close to mining capital, was unable to handle the situation.
The manufacturing sector in South Africa grew rapidly during the War when the hold of imperialism loosened, and Britain and the United States needed consumer goods from abroad because their own production was focused on manufacturing armaments. This industrialization in South Africa meant a demand for more African workers. During 1939-49 the number of Africans in the private manufacturing industry grew from 126,000 to 292,000.
The new industries tried to attract labour by offering the African workers higher wages than they got in the mines and or the farms. But the white-owned agriculture had also expanded enormously during the War. And neither the farmers nor the mine owners were prepared to raise the African wages to compete with those in the manufacturing industry. Instead, they demanded a state regulated labour market, which would guarantee them a steady flow of cheap African labour.
The whites in the new industries felt that their position was threatened by the African workers. They had learnt to put their trust in the Afrikaner nationalists, because they had given them job security and privileges when they started a state-controlled industrialization process before the War, with state-owned steel production, among other things. Within the state sector the white employees, unlike the African workers, were guaranteed security and benefits by clauses on positions reserved for whites. For those Afrikaners who had become impoverished when mining capital expanded and bought land, racial discrimination became their only barrier against falling to the very bottom of society.
The Afrikaans word apartheid means separation in English. It was the slogan in the National Party campaign. They saw a future where whites and Africans would live completely separate, and 'develop their distinct character.’ But in reality no real separation would or could be sought, because African labour power was needed as the basis for the prosperity of the whites. (See Appendix South Africa 2)
More than three million African workers and 2.5 million African domestic servants live in the 'white’ areas. Three-quarters of the wage employees in South Africa are Africans. The National Party soon admitted that the separation was to be separate sets of political and civil rights for blacks and whites. Every African had citizen rights only in the bantustan area of his own 'tribe’ whether or not he had set foot there. The nine African reserves or bantustans in reality consisted of a large number of scattered land areas, mostly barren areas suffering from land erosion and poverty. These bantustans functioned as large labour reserves for the 'white’ areas.
The bantustan policy meant that Africans were to be prevented from living permanently in the white areas. Ruthless, forced evictions took place to force 'surplus labour’ to move from the towns to the bantustans. Crossroads outside Cape Town is only one example of this policy.
We can hear the news of Radio South Africa about the 1978 Crossroads eviction in the following scene of Cry Freedom.
Newscaster: “This is the English language service of Radio South Africa. Here is the news read by Magness Rendle. Police raided Crossroads, an illegal township near Cape Town early this morning after warning this quarter to evacuate this area in the interests of public health. A number of people were found without work permits and many are being sent back to their respective homelands. There was no resistance to the raid and many of the illegals voluntarily presented themselves to the police. The Springbok ended . . ."
The hated section 10 in the Native Laws Amendment Act from 1952 rule that no African could visit a place outside his reserve for more than 72 hours, unless he could prove that he had lived there since birth, or had worked in the same area for the same employer for at least ten years, or had legally resided in the same area for 15 years, or was the wife or child under 16 of a person with these qualifications. Residence permits could also be given by labour bureaus. But even those who fulfilled these requirements could be deported at any time as 'superfluous.’