Test 1 Part 1の残りを最後まで。Test 1 Part 1の音声を参考ファイルに置いあるんで、何回も聞いてやりや。解説を配り忘れたんで、次回に。忘れてたら、誰か言ってや。
コメントは、聞けなくてテキストの発表、荒田さんがTHE APARTHEID REGIMEとTHE POLICIES OF APARTHEID、河野多恵さんがMass MOBILIZATION AND OPPRESSIONとTHE ARMED STRUGGLE、この前の河野舞香さんと同様、二人ともしっかりと準備して来てたし、発表もなかなか堂々としてよかったです。感心しました。
* ラ・グーマ
* ラ・グーマとマセケラ
* 5文型と品詞・用言と体言・句と節・副詞
* 分詞
次回今日読んだ箇所の映像をみながら使いますので、目を通しておくとわかりやすいです。文法についてはリーデーング4種類のうちの一つPart 5をする時に説明に使います。穴埋め4択問題、ほとんど文法問題、センター試験とよう似た問題です。
歌の紹介と、映像を交えながら南アフリカ史のまとめ、Reading Part 5を少し、かな。
1988年に松山市で行った講演です→(「アパルトヘイトの歴史と現状」)「ゴンドワナ」14号 10-33ペイジ(横浜:門土社、1988年)
THE 1948 APARTHEID REGIME 1948年のアパルトヘイト政権
African resistance put a strain on the white alliance of the Afrikaners and the British, and created a crisis in the South African system. Social changes lay behind the increased African militancy, and the ruling party, close to mining capital, was unable to handle the situation.
The manufacturing sector in South Africa grew rapidly during the War when the hold of imperialism loosened, and Britain and the United States needed consumer goods from abroad because their own production was focused on manufacturing armaments. This industrialization in South Africa meant a demand for more African workers. During 1939-49 the number of Africans in the private manufacturing industry grew from 126,000 to 292,000.
The new industries tried to attract labour by offering the African workers higher wages than they got in the mines and or the farms. But the white-owned agriculture had also expanded enormously during the War. And neither the farmers nor the mine owners were prepared to raise the African wages to compete with those in the manufacturing industry. Instead, they demanded a state regulated labour market, which would guarantee them a steady flow of cheap African labour.
The whites in the new industries felt that their position was threatened by the African workers. They had learnt to put their trust in the Afrikaner nationalists, because they had given them job security and privileges when they started a state-controlled industrialization process before the War, with state-owned steel production, among other things. Within the state sector the white employees, unlike the African workers, were guaranteed security and benefits by clauses on positions reserved for whites. For those Afrikaners who had become impoverished when mining capital expanded and bought land, racial discrimination became their only barrier against falling to the very bottom of society.
The Afrikaans word apartheid means separation in English. It was the slogan in the National Party campaign. They saw a future where whites and Africans would live completely separate, and 'develop their distinct character.’ But in reality no real separation would or could be sought, because African labour power was needed as the basis for the prosperity of the whites. (See Appendix South Africa 2)
More than three million African workers and 2.5 million African domestic servants live in the 'white’ areas. Three-quarters of the wage employees in South Africa are Africans. The National Party soon admitted that the separation was to be separate sets of political and civil rights for blacks and whites. Every African had citizen rights only in the bantustan area of his own 'tribe’ whether or not he had set foot there. The nine African reserves or bantustans in reality consisted of a large number of scattered land areas, mostly barren areas suffering from land erosion and poverty. These bantustans functioned as large labour reserves for the 'white’ areas.
The bantustan policy meant that Africans were to be prevented from living permanently in the white areas. Ruthless, forced evictions took place to force 'surplus labour’ to move from the towns to the bantustans. Crossroads outside Cape Town is only one example of this policy.
We can hear the news of Radio South Africa about the 1978 Crossroads eviction in the following scene of Cry Freedom.
Newscaster: “This is the English language service of Radio South Africa. Here is the news read by Magness Rendle. Police raided Crossroads, an illegal township near Cape Town early this morning after warning this quarter to evacuate this area in the interests of public health. A number of people were found without work permits and many are being sent back to their respective homelands. There was no resistance to the raid and many of the illegals voluntarily presented themselves to the police. The Springbok ended . . ."
The hated section 10 in the Native Laws Amendment Act from 1952 rule that no African could visit a place outside his reserve for more than 72 hours, unless he could prove that he had lived there since birth, or had worked in the same area for the same employer for at least ten years, or had legally resided in the same area for 15 years, or was the wife or child under 16 of a person with these qualifications. Residence permits could also be given by labour bureaus. But even those who fulfilled these requirements could be deported at any time as 'superfluous.’
Despite severe oppression the ANC continued to work openly. But it soon abandoned its former policy of deputations and petitions, and launched a new phase of mass actions. The adoption of the Programme of Action in 1949 signalled this new stage in the struggle, and the next years showed a capacity for militancy among the black population.
In 1953 the ANC started to prepare a large national conference with representatives from all racial groups and from various organizations. In contrast to the all-whie parliament in Cape Town this conference was to express the will of the whole South African people. A large number of meetings were held in towns, factories, and on farms to formulate proposals for delegates and for the conference declarations. On 25 and 26 June 1955 more than 2,850 delegates from all over South Africa gathered in Kliptown outside Johannesburg and, after discussions, adopted the Freedom Charter.
This document opens with the words, 'We, the people of South Africa, declare for all our country and the world to know: that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the people . . .’ It also says that land shall ` be shared among those who work it, that the doors of learning and culture shall be open to all, and that the mineral wealth, the banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred to the people as a whole. The organizations which had arranged the Kliptown conference joined to form the Congress Alliance. It consisted of the ANC, the South African Indian Congress, the South African Coloured People’s Congress, the Congress of Democrarts (a white organization), and the trade union central body SACTU (the South African Congress of Trade Unions). The SACP worked under- ground ever since it was banned in the early 1950s.
Benjamin Pogrund, a South African journalist, introduced the PAC major aims listed by Sobukwe and five aims adopted by the Congress in his book Sobukwe and Apartheid:

“Sobukwe listed three major aims: firstly, politically, `the government of the Africans, by the Africans, for the Africans, with everybody who owes his only loyalty to Africa and who is prepared to accept the democratic rule of an African majority being regarded as an African. We guarantee no minority rights because we think in terms of individuals not groups.’ Secondly, `economically we aim at the rapid extension of industrial development in order to alleviate pressure on the land which is what progress means in terms of modern society. We stand committed to a policy guaranteeing the most equitable distribution of wealth.’ Thirdly, `socially we aim at the full development of the human personality and the ruthless outlawing of all forms of manifestations of the racial myth.’ "
“Five aims were adopted: `(a) to unite and rally the African people into one national front on the basis of African Nationalism; (b) to fight for the overthrow of white domination, and for the implementation and maintenance of the right of selfdetermination for the African people; (c) to work and strive for the establishment and maintenance of an Africanist Socialist democracy recognising the primacy of the material and spiritual interests of the human personality; (d) to promote the educational, cultural and economic advancement of the African people; (e) to propagate and promote the concept of the Federation of Southern Africa, and Pan Africanism by promoting unity among peoples of Africa.’ "
「五つの目標が採択されました。「(a) アフリカナショナリズムを基に、アフリカ人民をある国民前線に団結させ、集めること。(b) 白人支配打倒と、アフリカ人の自己決定権の実現と維持のために闘うこと。(c) それぞれの物質的、精神的利益が最も大切あると認め、アフリカの社会民主主義の確立と維持のために働き、闘うこと。(d) アフリカ人の教育、文化、経済の向上を奨進すること。(e) アフリカの民族間の統合を推進して、南部アフリカ連合とパンアフリカニズムの概念を普及し、奨励すること。」
In 1959 the ANC decided to organize a mass protest against the pass laws. The protest was going to begin on 31 March 1960. In the same year the PAC drew up a plan to campaign for freedom for South Africa by 1963. The PAC campaign began on 21 March 1960. On the day thousands of people gathered at the police station in Sharpeville Township. The police opened fire, and 69 people were shot dead. This became known as the `Sharpeville massacre.’ On the day, Sobukwe and other leaders were arrested.

The Sharpeville massacre became the turning point. The ANC and the PAC were banned and forced to start an armed struggle. In 1961 the ANC formed an army called `Umkhonto we Sizwe’ (`the Spear of the Nation’) and the PAC formed a secret army called `Po(g)qo’ (`Alone’). The Umkhonto began to blow up pass offices and electricity power-lines, while the Poqo began to attack chiefs and policemen. But in 1963 the police arrested their leaders. By 1964 all of them, including Nelson Mandela, were imprisoned. A period of decline followed. Many leading activists had to flee the country to escape arrest. The work underground proceeded but with great difficulties. Open actions could not be carried out. By 1965 the armed struggle had been crushed. The PAC and the ANC were forced to continue their armed struggle from outside South Africa. The parties’ leadership and liberation armies moved to Zambia and Tanzania and their military training took place in Africa and overseas. They sometimes linked up with the liberation armies in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).
