小川くんのTHE 1948 APARTHEID REGIME 1948の日本語訳の続きだけで時間切れでした。その分と、THE POLICIES OF APARTHEIDとREFERENCE 3の日本語訳を貼っておきます。自分でやったのと比べて下さい。
Mass MOBILIZATION AND OPPRESSIONとTHE ARMED STRUGGLE(阿久根さん)、歌と映像を少しでも紹介できるとええけどね。トーイックも少しはやりたいね。阿久根さん、のびのびになってごめんなさい。小川くんがいっしょうけんめいやってくれてたから、時間をかけました。
THE 1948 APARTHEID REGIME 1948年のアパルトヘイト政権(続き)
They had learnt to put their trust in the Afrikaner nationalists, because they had given them job security and privileges when they started a state-controlled industrialization process before the War, with state-owned steel production, among other things. Within the state sector the white employees, unlike the African workers, were guaranteed security and benefits by clauses on positions reserved for whites. For those Afrikaners who had become impoverished when mining capital expanded and bought land, racial discrimination became their only barrier against falling to the very bottom of society.
The Afrikaans word apartheid means separation in English. It was the slogan in the National Party campaign. They saw a future where whites and Africans would live completely separate, and 'develop their distinct character.’ But in reality no real separation would or could be sought, because African labour power was needed as the basis for the prosperity of the whites. (See Appendix South Africa 2)
More than three million African workers and 2.5 million African domestic servants live in the 'white’ areas. Three-quarters of the wage employees in South Africa are Africans. The National Party soon admitted that the separation was to be separate sets of political and civil rights for blacks and whites. Every African had citizen rights only in the bantustan area of his own 'tribe’ whether or not he had set foot there. The nine African reserves or bantustans in reality consisted of a large number of scattered land areas, mostly barren areas suffering from land erosion and poverty. These bantustans functioned as large labour reserves for the 'white’ areas.
The bantustan policy meant that Africans were to be prevented from living permanently in the white areas. Ruthless, forced evictions took place to force 'surplus labour’ to move from the towns to the bantustans. Crossroads outside Cape Town is only one example of this policy.
We can hear the news of Radio South Africa about the 1978 Crossroads eviction in the following scene of Cry Freedom.
Newscaster: “This is the English language service of Radio South Africa. Here is the news read by Magness Rendle. Police raided Crossroads, an illegal township near Cape Town early this morning after warning this quarter to evacuate this area in the interests of public health. A number of people were found without work permits and many are being sent back to their respective homelands. There was no resistance to the raid and many of the illegals voluntarily presented themselves to the police. The Springbok ended . . ."
The hated section 10 in the Native Laws Amendment Act from 1952 rule that no African could visit a place outside his reserve for more than 72 hours, unless he could prove that he had lived there since birth, or had worked in the same area for the same employer for at least ten years, or had legally resided in the same area for 15 years, or was the wife or child under 16 of a person with these qualifications. Residence permits could also be given by labour bureaus. But even those who fulfilled these requirements could be deported at any time as 'superfluous.’