<授業では>・・・梶原さんの発表(途中から)→CNNのListening Comprehension Practice(たま)→1976 Outbreakの聞き取り(香取)をやりました。梶原さんも香取くんもしっかりやれてたと思います。勘違いもあるといけないので、transcriptionを貼っておきます。
CNNを梶原さんが最後までやってくれたあと、Listening Comprehensionでなぜ首都キンシャサが危機の時に、モブツが報道陣を連れて北東部の小さな村に行ったのかについて英語で聞きました。ヒントで言いましたが、mission(この場合エボラの広がりを抑えるために派遣されたinternational medical team)の金はそっちが出すべきで、金寄こせとアピールするのに、危機的な状況にある首都を離れてテレビ取材班を連れて20年前にエボラ騒動のあった北東部の村に言ったわけやから、考えたら、凄いよね、これが先進国と少数のアフリカ人上層階級の実態、大多数の貧乏人は政治体制が変わっても、変わらず搾り取られ続けるというわけです。
Ebola virus Outbreak (CNN)
In Zaire the deadly Ebola virus has (claimed) more than one hundred (lives). At least thirty six more are (infected) with the disease. And Gary Striker reports the (source) of Ebola still (eludes) scientists:
“A thousand kilometers north of the Ebola (outbreak), Zaire’s President Mobutu visits the town of Gimena. He arrived here from the capital where the (population) faces the (threat) of an (epidemic), now less than two hundred kilometers from Kinshasa. For the people here Ebola seems very far away, too far they would say to (affect) their lives. But until last month the world only Ebola (victims) were found in this (remote) (region). For nearly twenty years the only known (outbreaks) of Ebola have been reported here in northern and (neibouring) Sudan. But the latest (epidemic) in the southwest has (convinced) many scientists that Ebola virus is probably (lying) (dormant) over wide area of (tropical) Africa. What scientists do not know is where to find the virus between human (epidemics). When it (flares) up apparently from nowhere, spreads and kills its (victims) quickly, then disappears just as fast."
“People (speculate) whether (plants), animals, (insects) or whatever we don’t know. That’s what we really would like to know."
“Somewhere in this (fertile) and (forested) (region) the Ebola virus is carried by an animal or (insect) or maybe even a (plant). A (vector) (organism) carries the virus without (harm) to itself (eventually) passing it to a human (victim). Finding the (vector) for Ebola will be a (major) (step) in understanding the virus and (eventually) finding a way to save the lives of its (victims). The first (priority) now for the international medical team in Kikwit is to (contain) the Ebola (outbreak). Beyond that a long (process) of (investigation) and (analysis) (lies) (ahead). Months and probably years of field work to (track) down the virus on its (homeground). A mission, President Mobutu says will have to be (financed) by other countries, not his. But this is an (era) of (budgets) (cutbacks) for science. And even if money is (available) for (research) on Ebola, finding out where it (hides) and how to kill it could still be at the far end of a very long road. Gary Striker, CNN, Gimena, Zaire."
1976 Ebola Outbreak in Zaire
米国GBH2005年製作 NHK衛星第1、2006年3月24日放送
Zaire in Central Africa. (Reports) of a (terrible) new disease have brought Dr. Joe Bremming and a (colleague from the US (Centers) for (Disease) (Control) to (investigate). They are the (first) doctors to enter the (stricken) (area).
“It was (exceedingly) difficult to get into that area because the (pilots) like many of the (medical) (staff) were in a (state) of (panic). They (kicked) us off the (plane) and (immediately) (took) (off).”
“What’s (burning) over there?”
The mystery disease brought fire and (destruction) to the villages. Bremming knew (immediately) that these were the (homes) of the diseases’ (victims).
The people burned their (huts) because that was the only way that they could (protect) (themselves) they were using a (traditional) (method) of killing the (spirits).”
The disease killed the (sick) and those who (cared) for them. (Nuns) at the (local) hospital believed the building (contained) (germs) that would kill anyone who (entered).
“This’s (probably) one of the (saddest) (sights) (I’ve) ever seen, (absolutely) quiet, (I’ve) never seen such a large hospital in Africa where there was no one (around) I was (absolutely) (frightened) (out) (of) my (skin).”
The year was 1976. The place: Zaire in central Africa. The disease: Ebola (fever). It’s (caused) by a (lethal) (virus) that had (previously) only (infected) animals until now. It’s one of thirty new diseases that have (struck) in recent (decades). A trend many (experts) believe will (accelerate) in the (coming) years. The next great disease (threat) could be a (swift) and (violent) (killer) like Ebola. Or, like HIV, it could (linger) in the body for years, and only then turn (deadly).
In a world that becomes more (globalized) with every (passing) day, the (threat) from all (infectious) diseases is real and (growing). Can (entrenched) (killers) like HIV be brought under control? Can (deadly) (threats) like (bird) (flu) be stopped before the bodies (mount)? How (safe) are we? Coming next is on (RX) for (survival).
Outbreak (1) の聞き取り(池田)→Outbreak (2)の聞き取り(青木)→Ebola virus~の要約(上村)→コンゴの独立・コンゴ動乱(尾形)→Biosafety level(甲斐)
* 課題・課題図書
* 医学用語(時間があれば、専門家・専門分野から。それから1章解説)
* コンゴ自由国( )とアメリカ映画『緊急救命室ER』について( )、誰か調べて発表せえへんか?
2020年前期 英語 Ma1 (1) クラス名簿
1 |
91200013 |
青木 夏海 |
アオキ ナツミ |
2 |
91200028 |
池田 瑞姫 |
イケダ ミズキ |
3 |
91200031 |
石黒 真莉奈 |
イシグロ マリナ |
4 |
91200042 |
伊東 宏人 |
イトウ ヒロト |
5 |
91200059 |
糸川 華乃子 |
イトカワ カノコ |
6 |
91200066 |
井上 まい |
イノウエ マイ |
7 |
91200077 |
岩井 友里 |
イワイ ユウリ |
8 |
91200080 |
岩切 唯 |
イワキリ ユイ |
9 |
91200095 |
岩室 心汰 |
イワムロ シンタ |
10 |
91200103 |
岩本 壮太郎 |
イワモト ソウタロウ |
11 |
91200112 |
上床 裕汰 |
ウエトコ ユウタ |
12 |
91200127 |
上村 萌々香 |
ウエムラ モモカ |
13 |
91200130 |
太田 有咲 |
オオタ アリサ |
14 |
91200141 |
大村 優葵 |
オオムラ ユウキ |
15 |
91200158 |
大山 遼 |
オオヤマ リヨウ |
16 |
91200165 |
大山 嶺 |
オオヤマ レイ |
17 |
91200176 |
緒方 春佳 |
オガタ ハルカ |
18 |
91200189 |
尾形 萌音 |
オガタ モネ |
19 |
91200194 |
桶谷 有希 |
オケヤ ユキ |
20 |
91200208 |
鬼塚 飛駆 |
オニツカ ヒカル |
21 |
91200217 |
甲斐 愛理 |
カイ アイリ |
22 |
91200222 |
蔭山 慶樹 |
カゲヤマ ヨシキ |
23 |
91200235 |
梶原 冴香 |
カジワラ サヤカ |
24 |
91200246 |
片岡 凜 |
カタオカ リン |
25 |
91200253 |
片山 詩葉 |
カタヤマ ウタハ |
26 |
91200260 |
勝田 航大 |
カツタ コウダイ |
27 |
91200271 |
加藤 潤 |
カトウ ジユン |
28 |
91200284 |
香取 龍雲 |
カトリ リウ |