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* IX6『悪夢』(授業で観た分)・・・国際医療同盟の活動に参加していたコバッチュに助けを求められ、アフリカ・コンゴ共和国の難民キャンプでの医療支援活動に参加する。
* X1『失われた友を求めて』・・・強い意思でコンゴの激戦区に残ったコバッチュが死亡したとの連絡を受け、彼を残してきてしまった罪悪感から再びコンゴに飛び、コバッチュの生存を確認し彼をアメリカへ送った後も、自分の居場所と使命を見出しコンゴに留まる。→いつでもコピーするんで、どうぞ。
Two years later in May, 1997, Mobutu fled Kinshasa to Morocco and Laurent Kabila and his rebels proclaimed victory in a seven-month civil war. The victory was cheered by Zaireans tired of the corruption and economic stagnation, and internationally accepted. Kabila renamed Zaire the Democratic Republic of the Congo and began to take office as head of the state, promising to hold elections in April 1999 and to bury the legacy of ousted Mobutu Sese Seko.
Laurent Kabila, 56, somehow escaped death in murderous years of Mobutu’s rule, and vanished into the forests of the province of Kivu and its confines along the Rift Valley and its lakes; the few who went to look for him had little to tell. He had been involved in minor rebellions in Zaire since the 1960s, and longed to unseat Mobutu. In the current rebellion, he served first as a spokesman for the rebels, then was pushed to the front as their leader in October, 1996, perhaps because as a member of Zaire’s Luba people, he would appear to be a neutral party in Hutu-Tutsi conflicts. Now he is present again, and this time as the man to steer the vast country into peaceful waters. It is said that he sometimes said he would be president, but only for a short time and only if the people want him.
Kabila was internationally recognized, but many critics raise the questions of his leadership because of his own weak political base. Some observers think he still has no strategy for the future of Zaire. The United States and some Europeans have been demanding early elections. Julius Nyerere, former president of Tanzania, raises his strong opposition against this attitude (“Pushing Kabila on early election unrealistic" Cf. Chapter One, Section 5):
This demand for elections is wrong. People who want to see a democratic process in Zaire should not push Kabila. The country has been devastated and must be built up again from scratch. He has to start over completely. This will take time, just as it has taken time for President Musenveni of neighboring Uganda to recover all these years later from the ruinous legacy of Idi Amin.
Musenveni, who has yet to hold elections after several years in power, may not be a bad example for Kabila. Musenveni has said that 'priority number one’ for Uganda is rehabilitating the country, not multiparty democracy. If Kabila were to say the same thing, I for one would support him. . . .
If early elections are held, as the United States wants, the parties with money, the parties of Mobutism, will win. So we should forget this nonsense.
All of us now in the region are interested in human rights and accountability. None of us, however, naively believe that unprepared elections will somehow accomplish this.
He criticized neo-colonial policies which have supported Mobutu:
Frankly, the United States and Europe should have a little humility. They are not morally qualified to demand of Kabila that he hold elections within months when, for 35 years, they coddled and protected that despot in a tiger-skin cap. Without them, Mobutu would have gone long ago. He was virtually finished politically by 1994, when certain European powers revived him once again for the purpose of protecting their interests in the Great Lakes area, particularly after the Hutus were driven from power in Rwanda.
He adds some advice, both to Kabila and to us:
If we want to help, we should assist Kabila in establishing basic political structures in the country, including a transitional government and a new constitution, before even thinking about elections.
To start with, Kabila has to organize his own political base. What has happened? He has not so much organized a take-over of power as he has been sucked into a power vacuum. He can’t just suddenly have elections. His own group has no money, but others have money, including the scores of political parties already in existence, all of which were organized and funded by Mobutu. . . .
Basil Davidson regards Zaire’s current turmoil as an invitation to an African solution. He points out that the Belgian colonial power dispossessed the peoples not only of their land and its wealth, but also of their self-esteem and self-responsibility; all power of decision passed into European hands. This dispossession brought disaster. The decolonization of 1960 was supposed to reverse this dispossession, but what happened was that dictatorial structures of government passed into the hands of local agents of foreign interests. This independence was a fake. Over the past ten years or so, widely in Africa, we have seen the rise of a real opposition to this fake independence. This indicates a movement for genuine democracy, i.e., a shift away from centralized government and bureaucracy in favor of local and direct forms of self-administration. Davidson regards Zaire’s case as an example:
Kabila is good news for African self-respect, even very good news. This may seem a far-out view, but it is based on two strong probabilities. One is that no external major power has anything to gain, in this region, from another long bout of uproar and mayhem. The brutal frenzies of the Cold War are over and done with. The other probability is that this country called Zaire no longer exists as a safe source of plunder. The many and various peoples of Zaire, in short, may at last be within sight of being able to govern themselves for their own benefit. The wasted years that began in these parts a century ago and more may be approaching their end. . . .
カビラはアフリカ人の自尊心にとってという点ではよい知らせで、本当に とてもいい知らせです。奇抜な観方かも知れませんが、その観方は二つの強い見込みに基づいています。一つは、外部の主要な勢力ももはや、また別の騒乱と荒廃を経たのちにこの地域で得られるものがもはや何もないということです。冷戦の残酷な狂乱は過ぎ去り、すべての処置も終わりました。もう一つの見込みは、ザイールと呼ばれるこの国はもはや安全な搾取源として存在していないということです。つまり、ザイールの多くの人々は、ついに自分たちの利益を自分自身で管理することが出来るかもしれないという可能性が見えてきたのです。一世紀前、それよりも数十年前にこの地で始まった無益な歳月は、終わりに近づいているのかもしれないのです。
Davidson’s view is optimistic and he notes that this movement toward local and effective democracy has already begun to show impressive results, such as in Eritrea. He concludes:
. . .We can look for more evidence of this kind if a Kabila government proves competent in Zaire .
The problem in Zaire may, in practice, prove less tough than it must seem. If so, it will be because the sheer incompetence and outrageous corruption of the Mobutu dictatorship have left long-abandoned populations to run their own affairs as best they can. Who, after all, has been running the affairs of the wide province of Kivu – unless local people themselves – during all the years when Kabila had his refuge there? (“Zaire’s Turmoil Invites an African Solution," Cf. Chapter One, Section 5)
Kabila’s success might bring hope for bigger social change and wider economic cooperation, for Zaire, which borders nine countries, created a great economic hole under Mobutu’s rule. A functioning Congo could provide a central infrastructure for business in a large portion of sub-Saharan Africa. The country’s railways and roads could be crucial links between Kinshasa and Cape Town, Maputo and Luanda, Nairobi and Brazzaville, between economic centers north and south, east and west. If Congo’s minerals, which range from diamonds to copper, could be mined efficiently again, the country could grow rich. As Nyerere points out, “If under Kabila, the thinking in what he calls the Democratic Republic of the Congo becomes as integrative as its geography, bringing all the potential wealth to bear – it could be the leader with South Africa of what (South African Deputy President) Thabo Mbeki calls 'the African renaissance."'
2020年後期 クラス名簿(48名)(2020年10月6日現在、登録修正期間が済んだら確定名簿をWebClassで確認出来るので、その時また更新するね。)
61200043 |
イケムラ ヒロト |
工学部環境応用化学科 |
池村 広飛 |
1年 |
61200254 |
ソネ ケンセイ |
工学部環境応用化学科 |
曽根 健聖 |
1年 |
61200375 |
ニシムラ ハルヒ |
工学部環境応用化学科 |
西村 春陽 |
1年 |
61200430 |
ハマカワ コウヘイ |
工学部環境応用化学科 |
濱川 光平 |
1年 |
61200441 |
ハヤシダ カズヤ |
工学部環境応用化学科 |
林田 和也 |
1年 |
61200476 |
ヒダカ ユウセイ |
工学部環境応用化学科 |
日高 祐誠 |
1年 |
62180110 |
カワノ シヨウヤ |
工学部社会環境システム工学科 |
河野 匠哉 |
3年 |
62200062 |
イワモト ソウマ |
工学部社会環境システム工学科 |
岩本 颯真 |
1年 |
62200109 |
オオツカ コウキ |
工学部社会環境システム工学科 |
大塚 恒輝 |
1年 |
62200213 |
クラヅメ トシナリ |
工学部社会環境システム工学科 |
倉爪 駿成 |
1年 |
62200259 |
サトウ リヨウセイ |
工学部社会環境システム工学科 |
佐藤 瞭成 |
1年 |
62200471 |
ミヤジ ユウト |
工学部社会環境システム工学科 |
宮地 優人 |
1年 |
63200027 |
イイヤマ タカト |
工学部環境ロボティクス学科 |
飯山 貴冬 |
1年 |
63200030 |
イガラシ レン |
工学部環境ロボティクス学科 |
五十嵐 廉 |
1年 |
63200319 |
ナカシマ リク |
工学部環境ロボティクス学科 |
中島 陸 |
1年 |
63200373 |
ホリタ ヒデオミ |
工学部環境ロボティクス学科 |
堀田 英臣 |
1年 |
63200401 |
ミヤ ヨシエ |
工学部環境ロボティクス学科 |
宮 佳恵 |
1年 |
63200425 |
モタニ ケンタ |
工学部環境ロボティクス学科 |
茂谷 健汰 |
1年 |
63200508 |
ワタナベ タクヤ |
工学部環境ロボティクス学科 |
渡辺 拓哉 |
1年 |
64200222 |
カミヤ ヒョウ |
工学部機械設計システム工学科 |
神谷 彪 |
1年 |
64200271 |
ソノダ コウダイ |
工学部機械設計システム工学科 |
園田 高大 |
1年 |
64200299 |
タカハシ コウジ |
工学部機械設計システム工学科 |
高橋 輝至 |
1年 |
64200356 |
ニシダ ツバサ |
工学部機械設計システム工学科 |
西田 大翼 |
1年 |
64200387 |
ハヤシ ジユンヤ |
工学部機械設計システム工学科 |
林 隼矢 |
1年 |
64200518 |
ヤガサキ リユウヘイ |
工学部機械設計システム工学科 |
矢ケ崎 龍平 |
1年 |
64200523 |
ヤマガ トモヤ |
工学部機械設計システム工学科 |
山鹿 友也 |
1年 |
65160180 |
サイトウ タイチ |
工学部電子物理工学科 |
齊藤 太一 |
4年 |
65200186 |
クロギ アヤミ |
工学部電子物理工学科 |
黒木 彩心 |
1年 |
65200371 |
ナガタ ジユンペイ |
工学部電子物理工学科 |
永田 惇平 |
1年 |
65200384 |
ナカタケ キヨウタ |
工学部電子物理工学科 |
中武 杏太 |
1年 |
65200409 |
ハシグチ リト |
工学部電子物理工学科 |
橋口 理斗 |
1年 |
65200418 |
ヒグチ レン |
工学部電子物理工学科 |
樋口 蓮 |
1年 |
66190222 |
キリハラ ヒロキ |
工学部電気システム工学科 |
桐原 拓希 |
2年 |
66190253 |
クリタ ワタル |
工学部電気システム工学科 |
栗田 亘 |
2年 |
66200060 |
オゼキ タイセイ |
工学部電気システム工学科 |
尾関 泰正 |
1年 |
66200183 |
タムラ リユウスケ |
工学部電気システム工学科 |
田村 竜佑 |
1年 |
66200288 |
ニシカワ リヨウ |
工学部電気システム工学科 |
西川 遼 |
1年 |
66200332 |
ヒガシ コウシロウ |
工学部電気システム工学科 |
東 香士朗 |
1年 |
66200451 |
モリ カイヤ |
休学 |
工学部電気システム工学科 |
森 海也 |
1年 |
67200018 |
アマキ ダイスケ |
工学部情報システム工学科 |
天木 大介 |
1年 |
67200146 |
オシカワ リヨウ |
工学部情報システム工学科 |
押川 陵 |
1年 |
67200184 |
カワバタ アオイ |
工学部情報システム工学科 |
川畑 葵 |
1年 |
67200212 |
クシマ リュウヤ |
工学部情報システム工学科 |
櫛間 龍也 |
1年 |
67200230 |
コバヤシ リヨウスケ |
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小林 良輔 |
1年 |
67200294 |
スギモト ダイチ |
工学部情報システム工学科 |
杉元 大地 |
1年 |
67200333 |
タナカ シンノスケ |
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田中 慎乃介 |
1年 |
67200368 |
トダカ ヨシヒコ |
工学部情報システム工学科 |
戸高 快彦 |
1年 |
67200528 |
ヨシオカ シユン |
工学部情報システム工学科 |
吉岡 駿 |
1年 |