①発表:のSLAVE TRADE(橋口くん), SLAVERY(田中くん)
橋口くんと田中くん、両方ともきちんと読めてたし、日本語訳もなかなかやったね。感心しました。→Slave Tradeの日本語訳、Slaveryの日本語訳
②歌:Deep Riverなど
Slave Tradeの日本語訳
A Short History of Black Americans," in Africa and Its Descendants
アフリカ黒人小史、『アフリカ、その末裔たち』収載 SLAVE TRADE 奴隷貿易
By the early 1500’s, black people were going to the New World. The first blacks went to America as explorers, not as slaves.
In 1619 twenty Africans were unloaded in Jamestown, Virginia. That was the year when the roots of slavery began in the United States. Slave ships filled with captured black men and women began to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to the American shores.
In the slave trade the merchants’ profits and the products from America were exchanged in Europe for guns and cloth which were brought to Africa and exchanged for slaves. These humans were sold in America where they produced the goods to be brought to Europe. This was the so-called 'triangle trade’ or 'triangular trade.’ The riches of capitalists grew while Africa suffered. This slave trade continued for three and a half centuries and brought millions of Africans to America.
European, above all English and American capitalists had gained enormous profits from the trade in slaves and the work performed by the slaves. Slavery was an essential part of the international capitalist market. By this trade the first large-scale collection of wealth was accumulated, speeding up development towards capitalism. The 'triangular trade’ was one of the foundations of the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
For Africa the consequences of the slave trade were ruinous, not only in terms of the boundless suffering of the millions who were taken as slaves, and their descendants, but also for those left behind. In the Middle Passage sometimes whole groups of Africans, taken on deck at night for air, would leap into the sea – committing mass suicide rather than go into slavery.
ROOTS – Airdate January 23, 1977. (Photo by ABC Photo Archives/ABC via Getty Images) EDWARD ASHER;LEVAR BURTON
As soon as they were landed and sold some would run away into the forest and join the indigenous people who were already living there. Thousands of Africans were brought by force to America to plant cotton, rice, corn, and wheat, to build the roads and clear the forests, to do all the hard work that went into the early building of America.
Each slave was sold off to a separate plantation, for plantation owners wanted to keep them from communicating with each other through the same African language. In addition, they tried to prevent the slaves from learning to read and write English, too. When the owners found some slaves trying to read and write, they often punished them severely.
No man wanted to be a slave. Many tried to escape from slavery. Thousands ran away alone. Some slaves rebelled against their slave masters.
In 1800, a young black, Gabriel, organized a revolt in Virginia that involved thousands of black men and women. But on the day when the uprising was to have started, a great storm and a flood wrecked their plans. The leaders were discovered, and some thirty-five others were put to death by the slave owners. They died silently.
In 1831 another great slave rebellion broke out in Virginia, led by Nat Turner. In this insurrection, some sixty slave owners were killed. More than a hundred blacks lost their lives before this uprising was suppressed. Seventeen slaves were put to trial and hanged. As slaves became increasingly restless, they revolted more and more. In increasing numbers, too, they were escaping to the North.
There were many escaped slaves who fought against their slave owners together with other abolitionists, black and white, in the North.
Harriet Tubman, the great conductor of the Underground Railroad to freedom, a nurse for the Union soldiers in the Civil War, a spy for the Union Armies, went back and forth in the South to rescue slaves.
Frederick Douglass ran away when he was twenty-one. He got a job in New England, began to make anti-slavery speeches and eventually became one of the Great American abolitionists, founding a paper called 'The North Star,’ writing and speaking for freedom. People in bondage keenly wanted a kind of Moses to lead them to freedom and there appeared their Moses, John Brown. He was a white man, old and tall, with a flowing beard, a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other.
In 1859 John Brown and 22 other members, black and white, marched on the government arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, intending to seize the arms and give them to the slaves. Some were killed and the rest were taken prisoner. John Brown’s uprising was a failure in so far as freeing the slaves then went. But it shook the empire of slavery to its foundations. It gave courage to the bondsmen and struck terror into their masters. John Brown was hanged. But it was only a matter of time before the Civil War began.
The European capitalists used the profits from the slave trade and from slave labor in America to develop their own industries. Gradually the industrial capitalists grew more powerful than those capitalists who invested in trade. While the slave traders and the plantation owners wanted to keep slavery, the industrial capitalists’ main interest was to buy workers on a 'free labor market.’ The capitalism of free competition was turning into monopoly capitalism.
2020年後期 クラス名簿(48名)(2020年10月6日現在)
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