発表が途中で時間切れになったりはしてるけど、4人の発表が聞けてよかったです。発表してくれる人がしっかりと調べてるのが伝わって来るので、聞いてる方もすんなりと聞けるんやろなあ。次回はいよいよニュースや映画のリスニング。映像も音声も参考ファイルに置いてあるんで、予めじっくりと観て聞いておくとわかり易いと思います。Listening Comprehension Practiceはたぶん初めての人が多くて戸惑ってすぐに答えるのが難しいかも知れないけど、死ぬことはないんで、恥ずかしく思っても、躊躇わずに誰でもええから答えてや。間違って覚えるもんなんやし。
① 5回目授業:6月11日(木)15:05~16:20。
① 下條さんがエボラ出血熱の残りを発表。先週は中断することになって悪かったです。
② 篠原さんが1976年のOutbreakの発表。スーダンとコンゴの発生状況について地図なども含めて詳しく発表。触れてた水の状況に関連して、隣の国の今世紀の飲み水の映像は観てもらおうと思っています。忘れてたら言ってや。その時に1920年代、30年代のガーナ(当時はイギリス植民地ゴールドコースト)の田舎の飲み水の状況を紹介したけど、初代首相エンクルマの自伝の一節を下に貼っとくね。→エンクルマの自伝の一節
③ 川越さんが1995年のOutbreakについての状況を発表。
④ 福田さんがEbola virus returns~の要約。少し残りました。「公務員の給料が未払いで・・・」のパラグラフ以外はほぼ理解してて、とてもわかり易かったです。来週は最後までやってもらったあと、最初から少し英語の語句のチェックもやろうと思ってます。やったところまでの日本語訳を最後に貼っておくんで、細かいところは比べてみてや。→日本語訳
① Ebola virus returns~の要約の残り。(福田さん)
② CNNの聞き取り(坂元さん)
③ CNN: Listening Comprehension Practice(英問英答)
④ Outbreak 2の聞き取り(古藤くん)
“Ebola virus returns Zaire into world’s spotlight”
Reuter (sic) in The Daily Yomiuri (May 16, 1995)
The Ebola virus outbreak in Zaire has refocused attention on the vast nation of 40 million people in the heart of Africa that has lurched from one crisis to another since independence from Belgium in 1963 (sic).
The virus, for which there is no known cure or vaccine, has killed at least 64 people.
Many Zaireans are openly angry at the government of President Mobutu Sese Seko, who has ruled unchallenged for most of the past 30 years and, according to critics, salted a way (sic) a personal fortune estimated in billions of dollars.
Opposition commentators and independent journalists blame the frequency of epidemics and lack of resources to deal with them on corruption and mismanagement of the wealth of a country blessed with just about every strategic mineral known to man.
“Mismanagement of public resources that leads to poor management of the environment create opportunistic factors for the birth and spread of epidemics," lamented an editorial in the opposition newspaper Le Palmares.
“Health facilities are in a deplorable state. We have been heading for disaster for a long time," Lambaert Mende, spokesman for Zaire’s chief opposition leader Etienue Tshisekedi said.
「環境の管理不備に繋がる、公共資源の管理ミスが日和見的な要因を作り出して、流行病を発生させたり、広げたりしている。」と反対派の新聞ル・パルメール(Le Palmares)の社説は嘆いています。
「医療関係施設は悲惨な状況です。私たちは長い間、大災害が起きてもおかしくない方向に向かって進んできました。」とザイールの野党指導者エティニュエ・ツィセケディ(Etinue Tshisekedi)のスポークスマン、ランバエルト・メンデ(Lambaert Mende)は言いました。
Corruption has eaten deep into the fabric of Zairean society and government and even quarantine measures announced to keep the Ebola virus from the capital of five million people are being undermined by bribery, Kinshasa city officials say.
Public workers are owed several months salary and bribery has become a way of life.
The virus is stretching Zaire’s decrepit medical services, already hard pressed, to cope with the scourge of AIDS, which has hit Zaire harder than most countries.
Zaire’s political problems began early: Katanga, which today is the mineral-rich province of Shaba, made a disastrous attempt at secession, 11 days after independence from Belgium. It was forced back after three years of bloody conflict.
The second largest country in sub-Saharan Africa. Zaire has rich farm and watered by the Zaire river, formerly River Congo.
The country is blessed with some of the best copper deposits in the world but the engine of its economy, the state mining collosus Gecamines, has virtually ground to a halt."
Copper production dropped from a peak of 500,000 tons to under 50,000 tons in 1994. Cobalt production slumped too.
The government has dissolved three core companies in the Gecamines group and not said what will become of the state company, which generates over 70 percent of its hard currency.
The World Bank, International Monetary Fund and creditors led by former colonial power Belgium abandoned Zaire long ago.
<Reference 2> <引用2>(Africa and its Descendants)
Kwame Nkrumah, the first prime minister of Ghana, wrote in his autobiography about the British colonial administration of this time:
“In all the years that the British colonial office administrated this country, hardly any serious rural water development was carried out. What this meant is not easy to convey to readers who take for granted that they have only to turn on a tap to get an immediate supply of good drinking water. This, if it had occurred to our rural communities, would have been their idea of heaven. They would have been grateful for a single village well or standpipe.
As it was, after a hard day’s work in the hot and humid fields, men and women would return to their village and then have to tramp for as long as two hours with a pail or pot in which, at the end of their outward journey, they would be lucky to collect some brackish germ-filled water from what may perhaps have been little more than a swamp. Then there was the long journey back. Four hours a day for an inadequate supply of water for washing and drinking, water for the most part disease-ridden!
This picture was true for almost the whole country and can be explained by the fact that water development is costly and no more than a public service for the people being administered. It gave no immediate prospect of economic return. Yet a fraction of the profits taken out of the country by the business and mining interests would have covered the cost of a first-class water system." (Africa Must Unite)
クラス名簿(再掲載) 英語 Rb1(3)クラス名簿(32名)
30190700 | 西田 侑暉 | ニシダ ユウキ |
30200063 | 岩切 佑理可 | イワキリ ユリカ |
30200074 | 岩根 穂乃花 | イワネ ホノカ |
30200087 | 植村 尊 | ウエムラ タケル |
30200119 | 大重 滉輝 | オオシゲ コウキ |
30200191 | 川越 千尋 | カワゴエ チヒロ |
30200281 | 古藤 凜 | コトウ リン |
30200317 | 坂元 美琴 | サカモト ミコト |
30200371 | 篠原 小伯 | シノハラ コハク |
30200384 | 下條 帆乃佳 | シモジョウ ホノカ |
30200409 | 杉村 拓志 | スギムラ タクジ |
30200418 | 田代 歩 | タシロ アユム |
30200436 | 田中 ひびき | タナカ ヒビキ |
30200472 | 堂薗 翔永 | ドウゾノ シヨウエイ |
30200485 | 堂前 虹太 | ドウマエ コウタ |
30200515 | 得能 万里奈 | トクノウ マリナ |
30200520 | 戸島 脩太 | トジマ シユウタ |
30200544 | 長倉 由依 | ナガクラ ユイ |
30200582 | 中屋敷 香波 | ナカヤシキ カナミ |
30200597 | 原田 佳純 | ハラダ カスミ |
30200641 | 平原 鈴華 | ヒラバラ スズカ |
30200658 | 樋脇 千可子 | ヒワキ チカコ |
30200694 | 福田 美南 | フクダ ミナミ |
30200759 | 待山 功星 | マチヤマ コウセイ |
30200780 | 松本 望 | マツモト ノゾミ |
30200821 | 宮崎 琉奈 | ミヤザキ ルナ |
30200845 | 森山 友渚 | モリヤマ ユウナ |
30200852 | 安田 龍司 | ヤスダ リユウジ |
30200883 | 由地 紀一郎 | ユウヂ キイチロウ |
30200898 | 吉田 晴紀 | ヨシダ ハルキ |
30200911 | 渡邊 凌一朗 | ワタナベ リヨウイチロウ |
30200926 | JIANG TIANCHENG | コウ テンセイ |