



写真Memoirs of the Osaka Institute of Technology, Series B, Vol. 31, No. 1: 37-48

85年にライトのシンポジウムに参加して以来、英語を使う人との遣り取りも増えたうえ、伯谷さんからは87年の年末にサンフランシスコで開かれるMLA (Modern Language Association of America) に誘われていました。書いたものを読んでもらうのに英語訳の必要性を感じていたのだと思います。


結果的には、この作品がアフリカへのきっかけになりました。当初、ライトについての発表でお誘いを受けたMLAでは、English Literature Other than British and American の部会で、アレックス・ラ・グーマについて発表することになりました。













Black Power写真





This paper aims to give an evaluation of Richard Wright and Black Power and to include his sharp observations and useful commentaries about Africa which now even in this modern age are still relevant.

In 1953 he made a visit to the Gold Coast, then a British colony on its way as the first black African nation towards independence from Britain. At that time a “three-sided" struggle was being fought there, made up of reactionary intellectuals and chiefs, the British Government and the politically awakened masses. As Wright was anxious to present a truer picture of the coming independent nation “Ghana" and the people’s daily lives to the world, it was essential for him to grasp how the “three-sided" struggle was being fought. He succeeded in arranging the materials he had collected and inserted his commentaries in a letter to Nkrumah that appeared at the end of the book.

In this paper efforts are made to attempt an analysis of how Wright grasped the reality of the Gold Coast, focusing on the “three-sided" struggle.

1. For Africa

Richard Wright (1908-1960) left Liverpool for Africa on the morning of June 4th, 1953. His destination was the Gold Coast, then a British colony, which was to become an independent nation under the new name of Ghana on March 6th, 1957. His “long dream" of traveling to Africa was realized with the aid of George Padmore (1902-1959), a Jamaican Pan-Africanist, with whom he had been close friends since 1946. The three-month journey was to be his first and last travel in Africa. His book about this trip was published by Harper & Brothers under the title of Black Power on September 22nd, 1954.

In Europe the book was generally accepted equanimously in most countries and especially warmly in Germany, and translated into many languages. But in England and France, however, a few publishers rejected to accept his manuscript.1

In the United States the majority of reviewers were complimentary as was shown in the case of a review which stated, “As it is a first class job and gives the best picture I’ve seen of an extraordinary situation…,"2 but there were some critical and hostile attacks which hurt his feelings bitterly.

These reactions were closely related to the various countries’ policies or interests towards the colonies. It is not difficult to conclude that the rejection of its publication in England was inextricably bound to the situation of her economy, at that time highly dependent on her colonies.

Contrary to his agent’s and publisher’s enthusiasm for publication, the book did not sell well. Although from this point of view it might be concluded that the publication was not successful, it must be remembered that some vital points, summed up in his letter to Kwame Nkrumah, are discussed in Black Power. In the letter his penetrating observations and commentaries on the coming neo-colonialism by imperialist powers are revealed to us. Undoubtedly some grave and controversial problems are posed in Black Power. But in Japan however, very few fair estimations have been made on this work so far. This paper therefore, is aimed at giving a fair assessment of Richard Wright and Black Power, including his useful foresight and warnings about Africa, which still even in this modern age, have relevance.

2. Black Power

Andre Gide (1869-1951), a member of the Investigation Committee of Colonial Problems, once made a visit to the French Congo and after the journey published Voyage au Congo, 1927. His trip was at first motivated by his curiosity for natural science, but the sight of the miserable native Africans oppressed by colonial policies and corrupt public officials, traders, and missionaries urged him to say, “I have to make a public disclosure of the real conditions" and led him to write the book.

Wright’s visit to Africa, however, was motivated in a different way. From the start he wanted to stand on African soil and introduce the daily lives of people living on the Gold Coast to the world. The Gold Coast was at that time making its way towards independence from Britain, the first black African nation to do so.

On his first day in the Gold Coast, Wright saw black men operating cranes and other machines. He remembered Dr. Malan of South Africa “had sworn that black men were incapable of doing these things."3 Thus the negative views held by Westerners confronted him as soon as he landed on African soil. It is remarkable indeed that he was unaffected by these negative views and could strive to grasp the reality of Africa itself. During his stay he undertook ventures of great risk, although he felt discouraged when he found himself regarded by the Africans as a Westerner, rather than as a descendent of a common ancestor. By his positiveness he shows us his fixed determination to make this meaningful and his determined attitude to answer oppressors through his writings.

One reviewer says, “….Simply stated, more than 300 pages are devoted to a plain narrative of Wright’s several months’ wanderings through the Gold Coast. This is no academic treatise; no effort is made to give a logical pattern to the material presented. Rather these are just a multitude of impressions…,"4 but careful reading of the text shows this to be untrue. He was prudent enough to make preparations for the journey. He had read several books on the Gold Coast and Africa listed by Padmore. Furthermore Padmore had given him another list with the names of the proper people to talk to in the Gold Coast. Consequently he was able to meet many influential people. We discover that he possessed a definite aim from the beginning of his trip when we read The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah. In his book Nkrumah wrote about the birth of the Convention People’s Party. Since his returning to the Gold Coast in 1947, he had been making every effort for his native land as a secretary of the United Gold Coast Convention. He finally made up his mind to resign from the post when he was called by active supporters to lead the Convention People’s Party. The passage says:

Standing before my supporters I pledged myself, my very life blood, if need be, to the cause of Ghana.

This marked the final parting of the ways to right and left of Gold Coast nationalism; from the system of indirect rule promulgated by British imperialism to the new political awareness of the people. From now on the struggle was to be three-sided, made up by the reactionary intellectuals and chiefs, the British Government and the politically awakened masses with their slogan of “Self- Government Now."5 (Emphases mine.)

When Wright set foot on the Gold Coast in 1953, they had already started fighting this fierce “three-sided" struggle for independence. As he was anxious to present a truer picture of the coming independent nation “Ghana" and their daily lives to the world, especially to the Western world, it was indispensable for Wright to grasp how the “three-sided" struggle was being fought there. He certainly did not devote “more than 300 pages" to “a plain narrative of Wright’s several months’ wanderings through the Gold Coast." He made an effort “to give a logical pattern" by putting into collected form the notes he had acquired and declaring opinions in his letter to Nkrumah. In other words, he arranged the materials and made observations with the intention of condensing his commentaries in his letter to Nkrumah which was inserted at the end of the book. Now, let us read the text and see how Wright grasped the reality of the Gold Coast, focusing on the “three-sided" struggle.

The “British Government"

In the beginning of the letter, Wright wrote to Nkrumah, with an emphasis laid upon the psychological aspect, that confidence should be established at the center of the African personality although Westerners were intent on criticizing Africa in defense of their subjugation of Africa. And at the end of the letter he repeated that none but Africans could perform the “job" for Africa. First of all, he laid greater stress on mental “Africanization" than on anything else. It was mainly because he keenly felt distrust which was shown by every African, from the Prime Minister down to the humblest “mammy." Here is his sharp observation, an observation which can be made only by a man of great sensitivity. Putting great value on emotion and recalling Nkrumah’s having told him that missionaries had been his first political adversaries, Wright continues in the text as follows:

The gold can be replaced; the timber can grow again, but there is no power on earth that can rebuild the mental habits and restore that former vision that once gave significance to the lives of these people. Nothing can give back to them that pride in themselves, that capacity to make decisions, that organic view of existence that made them want to live on this earth and derive from that living a sweet even if sad meaning. Today the ruins of their former culture, no matter how cruel and barbarous it may seem to us, are reflected in timidity, hesitancy, and bewilderment. Eroded personalities loom here for those who have psychological eyes to see. (153)

He must have wanted to emphasize that the work of the missionaries was the greatest crime that had been committed against the African people, for they had “waded in and wrecked an entire philosophy of existence of a people without replacing it, without even knowing really what they had been doing." He laid an emphasis on the psychological problem of the African people because he actually felt its necessity when he saw with his own eyes the African reality – streets without sidewalks, a drainage ditch in which urine ran, most people spitting all the time, a girl squatting over a drainage and urinating, a crowd of men, women, and children bathing themselves around an outdoor hydrant, deformed beggars with monstrously swollen legs, running sores, limbs broken, blind men whose empty eye-sockets yawned wetly, children whose entire heads were gripped with sores, mails which were not delivered because of illiteracy, a soft mound of wet rust seen here and there, lagoons with awful stench and stagnant water, causing typhoid and yellow fever and malaria, the tsetse fly, tiny mud villages filled with leprosy, still-existing human sacrifices, African workers preferring their native witch doctors to modern medical treatment, dirt highways whose accident rate was appalling, stevedores toiling with low wages like machines in inhuman conditions, poor educational systems.Those miserable conditions remind us of the following passage of Nrumah’s Africa Must Unite, in which he depicted the misery of African village life in his youth:

In all the years that the British colonial office administered this country, hardly any serious rural water development was carried out. What this means is not easy to convey to readers who take for granted that they have only to turn on a tap to get an immediate supply of good drinking water. This, if it had occurred to our rural communities, would have been their idea of heaven. They would have been grateful for a single village well or standpipe.

As it was, after a hard day’s work in the hot and humid fields, men and women would return to their village and then have to tramp for as long as two hours with a pail or pot in which, at the end of their outward journey, they would be lucky to collect some brackish germ-filled water from what may perhaps have been little more than a swamp. Then there was the long journey back. Four hours a day for an inadequate supply of water for washing and drinking, water for the most part disease-ridden!

This picture was true for almost the whole country….6

He felt stunned by what he found, but formed a clear view of the situation, and never averted his eyes from the reality wrought by the British Government. He knew well enough that both distrust peculiar to Africans and their devastating reality were only the product of colonialism which enabled colonialists to defend their financial interests. He also noticed the limitations of colonial powers which had to make the best use of traditional rural communities to rule over Africans. In his letter to Nkrumah, Wright advised him to take advantage of these limitations and said:

…And, though the cultural traditions of the people have been shattered by European business and religious interests, they were so negatively shattered that the hunger to create a Weltanshauung is still there, virginal and unimpaired. (344)

Native Africans had established their rural communities of their own accord to survive in harsh living conditions. Therefore the communities had naturally possessed the possibilities of development before the Europeans arrived. The possibilities were prevented first by the slave trade and then by such colonial policies as land exploitation, compulsory labor, taxes and so forth. During his trip Wright had a chance to see the stevedores in Accra, the miners in Bibiani and the workers of timber plants in Samreboi. They were all seasonal laborers who were forced to leave their native villages by heavy taxes and severe compulsory labor. In spite of the very low wages and dangerous work, there were enough workers. In Accra harbor, in fact, a crowd of half-nude men huddled before a wooden stairway leading up to an office, looking for a job.

Because of the slave trade and the colonial policies, the rural communities were deprived of their supporters. This deprivation prevented the possibility of development of the communities and forced them to remain weaken and undeveloped. Even in such bad conditions the African people held out against imperialist exploitation and kept up their communities with stronger solidarity and unwearying labor. Wright must have felt their “hunger to create a Weltanschauung" while he was visiting the rural communities and communicating with native Africans.

The communities were forced to change so that the British Government could rule over them advantageously. The British then gradually created distrust in the hearts of the people and brought misery to their daily lives. There was “tribalism," the communities stripped of all their supporters. We must remember that both “tribe" and “tribalism" are words of Western origin, not African. It must be also remembered that the traditional communities were reduced to mere shells by an external factor – colonial policies, and that the historical development had nothing to do with it. This is the reason why Wright advised Nkrumah to overcome “the stagnancy of tribalism" time and again in his letter to him. He knew well that the communities did not properly fulfill their functions.

In the letter to Nkrumah, Wright also advised him not to rely on the help of Western powers. He foretold that the Westerners would “pounce at any time upon Africa," given the opportunity, just as they had done in the past. History tells us that his prophecy was true. Several times Nkrumah narrowly escaped being assassinated and his Government was, in fact, overthrown by a coup d’etat. Nkrumah must have grasped the situation more clearly than any one else. It is shown in the next symbolical passage in his autobiography, in which he wrote about the time of the birth of the new nation:


As a heritage, it was stark and daunting, and seemed to be summed up in the symbolic bareness which met me and my colleagues when we officially moved into Christianborg Castle, formerly the official residence of the British governor. Making our tour through room after room, we were struck by the general emptiness. Except for an occasional piece of furniture, there was absolutely nothing to indicate that only a few days before people had lived and worked there. Not a rag, not a book was to be found; not a piece of paper; not a single reminder that for very many years the colonial administration had had its center there.

That complete denudation seemed like a line drawn across our continuity. It was as though there had been a definite intention to cut off all links between the past and present which could help us in finding our bearings. It was a covert reminder that, having ourselves rejected that past, it was for us to make our future alone.7

The “reactionary intellectuals and chiefs"

The African continent was too large and wide to be occupied completely by Westerners, therefore colonial policies were necessary. The colonial policies deprived the communities of their supporters and gave no opportunities of education to native Africans. The Westerners made the best use of the traditional rural communities to make up for their lack of people, by making a puppet of the chiefs who were still powerful over their people.

In Accra, Wright went as far as renting a car and hiring an African chauffeur, and set out undauntedly on a tour to Kumasi. His first aim was to meet and communicate with chiefs. Fortunately he was able to encounter some of them. One of them was simple-minded enough to say with deep conviction that he had an army of bees in a boy to protect him. He was also ignorant enough to intone, “We are many, many, many, " when asked how many people were in his town. These were the chiefs who were once shameless enough to sell their people to the white men in return for a bottle of gin! In the letter Wright called them “those parasitic chiefs who have too long bled and misled a naive people."

Most of the chiefs, however, were sensible enough to adjust themselves to the new situation after the Party had clipped their political wings. They were willing to pay a visit to the headquarters of the Party, to seek help in their party work, and to offer themselves to be assigned to duties. At one time the Asantehene, the most powerful chief, was about to be taken advantage of by the British Government which feared that the Gold Coast might become stronger by the centralization of administrative power. However the Asantehene eventually gave way to Nkrumah, as did the rest of the chiefs.

The bitterest political opponents to Nkrumah were the Western-educated black intellectuals, the leaders of the United Gold Coast Convention, with whom he had struggled jointly for the independence. Wright met the two important leaders of the opposition, Drs. Busia and Danquah. They were actually against Nkrumah and criticized that Nkrumah stole power and “made a filthy deal with the British." With the slogan of “full Self-Government within the shortest possible time," they had raised the nostalgic but futile cry: 'Preserve our tradition!"' On the contrary Nkrumah wrote about the opponents as follows:

The opposition in Ghana cannot boast this same sense of responsibility and maturity. So far it has been mostly destructive. We have seen the historic reasons for this in the revolution of the United Gold Coast Convention leaders from the mass movement I had achieved as their secretary, and the subsequent formation of the Convention People’s Party to embrace that mass movement as the instrument for the achievement of freedom. The U. G. C. C. leaders never forgave me and my associates for proving the rightness of our policy of 'Self-Government Now’ in the results of the 1951 election. Thereafter their opposition amounted to a virtual denial of independence and a reluctance for the British to leave. They were prepared to sacrifice our national liberation if that would keep me and my colleagues out of government.8

During his stay in Africa, Wright heard a black young man complain that he could not ask the rich Africans for help because they were worse than the British. The interviews with some black intellectuals made him realize that they could not understand the real situation of the masses at all. So in his letter to Nkrumah he concluded that Nkrumah should not have the Western-educated Africans with him in his struggle for liberating the Gold Coast.

The “politically awakened masses"

The British brought about nothing but misery to their lives. The chiefs misled their people. Some of the black intellectuals were worse than the British. The masses trusted nothing and nobody. There burned in their hearts “a hunger to regain control over their lives and create a new sense of their destinies." (91) They could swear “oaths to invisible gods no longer and now at last, they were swearing an oath that related directly to their daily welfare." (60) Within a short period Nkrumah was able to hold such masses in the palm of his hand. On the situation Wright made the following remark:

…Nkrumah had moved in and filled the vacuum which the British and the missionaries had left when they had smashed the tribal culture of the people! It was so simple it was dazzling….Of course, before Nkrumah could do this, he would first have to have the intellectual daring to know that the British had created a vacuum in these people’s hearts. It was not until one could think of the imperialist actions of the British as being crimes of the highest order, that they had slain something that they could never rekindle, that one could project a new structure for the lives of these people. (60)

They hailed Nkrumah with hearty cheers on the roadsides and at the political mass meetings. Wright was thunderstruck when he saw the crowds shouting and calling: “Free―doom! Free―dooooom!" They were trade-unionists, students, “mammy" traders of the streets, and the nationalist elements who were completely ignored by the United Gold Coast Convention. The women were most enthusiastic of all, for they had put up with the coldest treatment under the colonial policies. In 1949, when Nkrumah was charged with contempt of court and fined three hundred pounds, the sum was quickly raised by the voluntary efforts of the street “mammy." Most of the masses were illiterate and did not clearly know where they were going with Nkrumah. Wright knew the situation well, so in the letter he wrote that Nkrumah should determine “the logic of his actions by the conditions of the lives of the people," and that the temporary discipline should place “the feet of the masses upon a basis of reality." And he finally drew a conclusion:


…not for war, but for peace; not for destruction, but for service; not for aggression, but for production; not for despotism, but to free minds from mumbo-jumbo. (346)

It must have been his friendliest advice to Nkrumah, for he keenly felt that the path to independence would be rough and rugged beyond imagination.

III. What Africa means in this modern age

The Western powers have done a lot of injustice to Africa and the situation is as bad as it was. Dr. Du Bois, one of the Pan-Africanists, once pointed out: “The problem of the Twentieth Century is the problem of the color-line."9 His prophecy turned out to be true. Now under the nuclear threat, the Third World has become a significant bridge between the existing two Worlds. Undoubtedly Africa holds the key to the present situation.

A lot of things can be learned if we look at the history of Africa. The Africans lived as human beings even under the severest exploitation of the slave trade and the colonial policies. They have kept their tradition, culture, education, and so on under the worst conditions in the world, never having received the benefit of modern civilization, science and technology. Now most of the independent nations in Africa are struggling against neo-colonialism. We can not avert our eyes from their sincere struggle.

Sembene Ousmane (1923- ), a Senegalese writer, came to Japan in 1984 and said, “We need no help. We’d like you to have a fair understanding of the situation" on the hunger aid campaign, then active in Japan.10 His sharp commentary urged us to reconsider what we should do.

On the African problem Wright also made the following commentary in the text:

One does not react to Africa as Africa is, and this is because so few can react to life as life is. One reacts to Africa as one is, as one lives; one’s reaction to Africa is a vast, dingy mirror and what modern man sees in that mirror he hates and wants to destroy. He thinks, when looking into that mirror, that he is looking at black people who are inferior, but, really he is looking at himself and, unless he possesses a superb knowledge of himself, his first impulse to vindicate himself is to smash this horrible image of himself which his own soul projects out upon this Africa….

Africa is dangerous, evoking in one a total attitude toward life, calling into question the basic assumptions of existence. Africa is the world of man; if you are wild, Africa’s wild; if you are empty, so’s Africa…. (158-159)

With the friendly help of Padmore, Wright was able to visit the Gold Coast, then making its way towards independence. Consequently, he succeeded in presenting the struggle for independence of the Gold Coast and the daily lives of the Africans to the world. He deserves praise for presenting a truer picture to the world earlier than any one else. In the letter to Nkrumah, Wright wrote to him on neo-colonialism:

…You might, by borrowing money from the West, industrialize your people in a cash-and-carry system, but, in doing so, you will be but lifting them from tribal to industrial slavery, for tied to Western money is Western control, Western ideas…. Kwame, there is nothing on earth more afraid than a million dollars; and, if a million dollars means fear, a billion dollars is the quintessence of panic…. (346)

In the letter Wright also said to him on corruption:

Regarding corruption; use fire and acid and cauterize the ranks of your party of all opportunists! Now! Corruption is the one single fact that strikes dismay in the hearts of the friends of African freedom…. (349-350)

If we take into account what Ghana has become, we discover that his warnings and advice are still vital indeed.

4. Richard Wright and Black Power

In Native Son (1940) Wright depicted the black-white problem vividly through the story of Bigger Thomas who was finally driven to murder a white girl and a black girl. In the story, Wright both directed active protests against the whites and extended passive warnings towards the blacks. At the same time he portrayed his dissatisfaction with the Communist Party which could see the racial situation in general, but could not see the individual in the mass. We notice that he already started to step beyond the racial problem. By the end of 1941 when he wrote the manuscript of “The Man Who Lived Underground," he was clearly determined to step beyond the straight black-white problem. In the revised version of “The Man Who Lived Underground" (1944), he was able to handle a wider and deeper theme from a new viewpoint.

He left the Communist Party in 1944, for he had begun to reconsider the relationship between the society and the individual. By reexamining the history of the oppressed blacks in the United States, he was able to write 12 Million Black Voices (1941). Recollecting his early days, he set out to write his autobiography. It appeared as articles in “I Tried to Be a Communist" (1944), “Early Days in Chicago" (1945) and “American Hunger" (1945), and as a book in Black Boy (1945). He confessed how difficult it had been to wrestle with himself:

…I found that to tell the truth is the hardest thing on earth, harder than fighting in a war, harder than taking part in a revolution. If you try it, you will find that at times sweat will break upon you. You will find that even if you succeed in discounting the attitudes of others to you and your life, you must wrestle with yourself most of all, fight with yourself; for there will surge up in you a strong desire to alter facts, to dress up your feelings. You’ll find that there are many things that you don’t want to admit about yourself and others. As your record shapes itself an awed wonder haunts you.11

In 1946 he visited Paris and enjoyed the mood of freedom after the Second World War. In 1947 he moved to Paris with his family to start a new life. He had left his private troubles behind in the United States. In Paris he was able to see America and racial problems objectively. The viewpoint of “The Man Who Lived Underground" deepened and widened in The Outsider (1953) and Savage Holiday (1954). In the former he severely criticized Western civilization from the ideological aspect and in the latter from the psychological. In The Outsider, Cross Damon, protagonist of the story, whispers before his death to Houston, the New York District Attorney:

'I wish I had some way to give the meaning of my life to others….To make a bridge from man to man…Starting from scratch every time is…is no good. Tell them not to come down this road….Men hates themselves and it makes them hate others….We must find some way of being good to ourselves….Man is all we’ve got….I wish I could ask men to meet themselves….We’re different from what we seem….Maybe worse, maybe better…But certainly different…We’re strangers to ourselves’.12

Wright’s way of life was symbolically shown by the confession. At that time he could not anchor any hope either in America or in European countries. He was anxiously awaiting another new hope to liberate the oppressed black people and himself. In that context, the following commentary is to the point:

Actually, what Mr. Wright says is a re-statement in terms of Gold Coast problems of the fundamental argument in The Outsider: that the confusion and terror which stalk the world are in very fact a mirror reflecting the basically bestial motive in Western culture.13

It can be said that the same problems are discussed both in The Outsider and Black Power, and that “finally, in a profound way, it is a book about Wright himself."14

At the end of his trip he wrote a letter to Paul Reynolds:

I was shocked at what I found here, and yet I’m told that the Gold Coast is by far the best part of Africa. If that is so, then, I don’t want to see the worst.15

In spite of this declaration, he planned to visit some French speaking West African nations. His sudden death prevented it. However, he made desperate attempts for he regarded Africa as the important bridge between two Worlds.

We can not form a true estimation of Richard Wright and his works unless we give a fair evaluation to Black Power.


1 Michel Fabre, The Unfinished Quest of Richard Wright, tra. Isabel Barzun (New York: William Morrow, 1973), p. xx.

2 Ed. John M. Reilly, Richard Wright; The Critical Reception (N.P.: Burt Franklin, 1978), p. 254.

3 Richard Wright, Black Power (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954), p. 33; All subsequent page references to this work will appear in parentheses in this paper.

4 Reilly, p. 265.

5 Kwame Nkrumah, The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah (London: Cox & Wyman, 1957), p. 89.

6 Nkrumah, Africa Must Unite (London: Panaf, 1963), p. 34.

7 Nkrumah, Africa Must Unite, p. xiv.

8 Nkrumah, Africa Must Unite, p. 69.

9 W. E. B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folks (1903; rpt. New York: Kraus-Thomson Organization, 1973), p. 40.

10 He made this commentary at the meeting held by Black Studies Association in co-operation with Black Studies Association of Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, on March 3rd, 1984.

11 Richard Wright, “Richard Wright Describes the Birth of Black Boy," New York Post, November 20, 1944, p. B6.

12 Richard Wright, The Outsider (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1953), p. 405.

13 Reilly, p. 268.

14 Edward Margolies, The Art of Richard Wright (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1969), p. 27.

15 Fabre, pp. 399-400.





Memoirs of the Osaka Institute of Technology, Series B, Vol. 31, No. 1: 37-48


Richard Wright and Black Power(119KB)







Ⅰ. 『1200万の黒人の声』

『1200万の黒人の声』(1941) は、なかなかの力作である。『ネイティヴ・サン』(1940)と『ブラック・ボーイ』(1945)の谷間にあって、まとまった評こそ少ないが、ライトの人と作品を理解する上で欠かすことの出来ない存在である。


『1200万の黒人の声』は、歴史書というよりはむしろライトの心の「物語」である。小説家のライトが歴史そのものを取り上げたのも、そして極端なまでにその簡素化をはかったのも、ひとえに「歴史」を借りて己を語りたかったからだ。それは『ネイティヴ・サン』でロバート・ニクソン事件を借用はしたが、小説の基調をあくまで「自分自身の感性経験」3 に置いたのと同じである。小説家が歴史家や社会学者の「概念や解釈の大半」を借り、思い切ったその簡素化をやって「己」を語ったからこそ、小説家にしか持ち得ない言葉の力を最大限に生かして読者に強烈なインパクトを与えることが出来たのではないか。その「物語」には、ライトの南部が、ライトの北部が、そしてライトのアメリカが熱っぽく語られている。

Ⅱ. ライトと南部

「毎日埃っぽい農場や街通りの堅い舗道で私たち黒人を見かけても、あなた方はいつもあたりまえだと考えるし、私たちのことを知っていると思っているが、私たちの歴史はあなた方が考えているよりも遙かに奇妙だし、それに私たちは見かけとは違う」4 とライトは語り始める。人間としての生活を営んでいたアフリカから奴隷として無理やり新大陸に連れて来られた祖先のアフリカ人たちを代弁してライトは次のように語る。






「火と雲」(1938) の冒頭の場面で、家路を急ぐ主人公テイラーが口ずさんでいたあの歌6 には、そして『ひでえ日だ』(1963)の主人公ジェイクと3人の仲間が、郵便局での仕事中に、南部を懐しんで交した会話の中で歌ったあの歌7 には、実はこんな黒人小作人の恨みがこめられていた。


『ひでえ日だ』の4人の会話の中にあらわれる「ミシシッピで知事になるよりはむしろシカゴで街燈柱でいる方がいい」8 の歌は、こんな情況の下でつくられた。「1890年から1920年にかけて200万人以上の黒人が南部を離れた。」(89ペイジ)






この「キチンネット哀歌」は、『ネイティヴ・サン』の舞台設定や家族構成などのねらいを手に取るように教えてくれる。冒頭の場面で、ビガー兄弟に鼠を殺させたのは、30センチ以上もある太った鼠にサウス・サイドの穢なさを象徴させたかったからだし、その 「格闘」によってあたりの騒々しさを読者に印象づけたかったからだ。又、舞台をキチンネットに設定したのは、女性が着替えする度毎に目をそらしながら恥しさをこらえたり、「耐えられない程苦しい思い」を強いられて「咎めたり責めたりやり返したりの絶え間ない諍い」を余儀なくされることによってビガーや家族が如何にその人格を歪められているかを強調したかったからだ。又、ビガーと仲間に、白人の店を襲うことで喧嘩させたのも、キチンネットによって人格を挫かれた少年たちが街に飛び出してどんな日々を過ごしているかを示したかったからだ。又、母親と3人の子供という家族構成は、サウス・サイドにならどこにでも見られる「争うことを諦め」た夫に、父親に捨てられた母子家庭を持ち出したかったからだ。

Ⅳ. ライトと社会

歴史を通してライトが描き出したのは、歴史や社会や経済機構という巨大な枠組の中で、なす術もなく虐げられ、翻弄され続けて来た無力な黒人たちの姿だった。それはある場合には、自分や家族を捨てた無学な小作人の父親であり、ある場合には、夫に捨てられてあのおぞましいキチンネットの一室で呻吟する母親や叔母マギーの姿である。地に這う年老いた農夫の写真(83ペイジ)は、1940年にメキシコ旅行の帰途、故郷南部にライトが立ち寄った際に再会した、手に泥のついたくわを持ち、ぼろのつなぎを着てミシシッピの赤土の上に立っていた、今はもう年老いた父親のイメージをほうふつとさせる。9 又、壁の崩れ落ちたキチンネットの写真(106ペイジ)は、のちにライトが『アメリカの飢え』の中で記したように、引越し先の下見に出かけた際に、あまりのひどさに泣き崩れてしまったという母親の姿を連想させる。10しかし、何よりもライトが描き出そうとしたのは、時代の大きな流れの中で、故郷を捨て北部の大都市シカゴの片隅で辛苦を味わう運命に弄ばれはしたが、それでも懸命に自分を生きてきたライト自身の姿ではなかったか。かといって「故郷のアフリカから、かつてなかったほど最も複雑に、高度に工業化された文明の真只中にほうり出されたが、今まで殆んど誰も持たなかったような意識や記憶を持って、今日しっかりと立っている」(146ペイジ)と語るライトには、苦難を強いた社会や時代に対する憤りや、或いは自分を捨てた父親への恨みはない。むしろ、滅び去っていてもおかしくない程厳しい歴史の中をよくぞくぐり抜け、生き永らえて来た黒人同胞への同情と愛着がある。そこには、戦時下、『資本論』の入ったカバンを片手に南部を行くのは危険だという白人の友人に向って「しかし、ミシシッピの親戚を尋ねたい」「しかし、南部を見たい、そこで生まれたんだ」11 と言い切って、父親との再会を果たし、「私は父を許し、父を憐れに思った」12 と記し得た姿と相通ずるものがある。そんなライトの姿勢を、エリスンは、やはり見逃してはいない。


奇しくも、この本が出されてから約半世紀後に、ミシシッピ州は、かつて故郷を離れた今は亡き息子を「リチャード・ライト死後25周年記念国際シンポジウム」と銘打ってむかえいれた。「ミシシッピはミシシッピの息子に敬意を捧ぐ」の見出しをつけたニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のインタビューの中で、エリスンは自分や他の黒人作家がライトから少なからず感化を受けたことについて触れたあと「ミシシッピ大学でライトの会議が持たれたことは意義深い」14 と述べているが、その感慨はどんなものであったであろうか。南部に反発しながらも、生まれ育った南部への愛着を捨て切れず、南部社会と自分との意味合いを終生考え続けて止まなかったライト。そんなライトを理解する一つの鍵を、たしかにこの『1200万の黒人の声』は握っている。


1 A Folk History of the Negro in the United States が副題である。全体は152ペイジ、4章から成っており、主として南部の小作農民を扱った2章と、主として北部の都市労働者を扱った3章がその8割を占めている。掲載写真はジャケットの分も含め88枚である。
2 Horace R. Cayton, “Wright’s New Book: More than a Study of Social Status," Pittsburgh Courier (November 15, 1941), rpt. in Richard Wright: The Critical Reception, ed. John M. Reilly (n.p.: Burt Franklin, 1978), p. 104.
3 Michel Fabre, The Unfinished Quest of Richard Wright, tra. Isabel Barzun (New York: Morrow, 1973), p. 173.
4 Richard Wright, 12 Million Black Voices (New York: Viking Press, 1941), p. 10. 以下の引用はこのテキストによる。
5 Fabre, The World of Richard Wright (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1985), pp. 85-86.

 6 Wright, Uncle Tom’s Children (1940; rpt. Cleaveland & New York: World, 1943), p. 153.
7 Wright, Lawd Today (New York: Walker, 1963), p, 153.
8 Wright, Lawd Today, p. 154.
9 Wright, Black Boy (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1945), p. 30.
10 Wright, American Hunger (New York: Harper & Row, 1977), p. 42.
11 Wright, “I Was in the South Where Neither Law nor Tradition Was on My Side," in Bondage, Freedom and Beyond (New York: Doubleday, 1971), p. 83.
12 Wright, Black Boy, p. 30.
13 Fabre, The World of Richard Wright, p. 88.
14 “Mississippi Offers Homage to Native Son," The New York Times (November 23, 1985), p. 1










修士論文で取り上げた作品の中でも、ライトの出世作『ネイティヴ・サン』(Native Son, 1940)を、特に擬声語を手がかりに、テーマに表現をからめて考えてみました。「Richard Wright, “The Man Who Lived Underground” の擬声語表現」(1984)を書いた時に、他の作品でもテーマにからむ重要な場面で擬声語の表現が意図的に用いられていると予測し、『ネイティヴ・サン』や『ブラック・ボーイ』(1945)のような主要な作品で同じように書けないかと考えるようになっていました。


1981年と86年にシカゴに行きましたが、この小説の舞台になったサウス・サイドには行きませんでした。81年は初めてのアメリカ行きで余裕がなかったうえ、ミシガン通りでパレードを眺め、この小説の初版本を手に入れようと古本屋をまわるだけで精一杯でした。86年は、シアーズタワーに登り、前年にミシシッピ大学であったシンポジウムでの発表者シカゴ大学のSterling Plumpp さんに会うだけで終わってしまいました。英語もあまり聞けないのに、電話をかけて自宅のマンションに会いに行きました。


Native Sonの冒頭部の表現における象徴と隠喩

Ⅰ. はじめに

リチャード・ライト(Richard Wright, 1908-1960)の『ネイティヴ・サン』(Native Son, 1940)を読んで衝撃を受けた人は多い。出版直後に一部で発禁書扱いを受けた事実からも、その衝撃の度合いがわかる。それらは、人種の問題をはらむ時代背景の中で、その書が提起した問題の大きさなどによるが、同時に、物語の展開や構成、或いはその表現の工夫などに負っている点も見逃せない。


…, when I sat down to the typewriter, I could not work; I could not think of a good opening scene for the book. I had definitely in mind the kind of emotion I wanted to evoke in the reader in that first scene, but I could not think of the type of concrete event that would convey the motif of the entire scheme of the book, that would sound, in varied form, the note that was to be resounded throughout its length, that would introduce to the reader just what kind of an organism Bigger’s was and the environment that was bearing hourly upon it. Twenty or thirty times I tried and failed; then…1


惨々苦心した挙句、ライトは主人公ビガー・卜一マス(Bigger Thomas)が鼠を殺すシーンを選んだ。本人は鼠を登場させるかどうかについて相当悩んだようだが、その辺りの経緯についてライトは以下のように述懐している。

I went back to worry about the beginning….One night, in desperation…I sneaked out and got a bottle. With the help of it, I began to remember before. One of them was that Chicago was overrun with rats. I recalled that I’d seen many rats on the streets, that I’d heard and read of Negro children being bitten by rats in their beds. At first I rejected the idea of Bigger battling a rat in his room; I was afraid that the rat would “hog" the scene. But the rat would not leave me; he presented himself in many attractive guises. So, cautioning myself to allow the rat scene to disclose only Bigger, his family, their little room, and their relationships, I let the rat walk in, and he did his stuff.2


Ⅱ. i)  “their little room" (「小さな部屋」)

物語が始まる「小さな部屋」を特殊なものとしてではなく、サウス・サイドでは極くありふれたものとしてライトは選んでいるが、先ず、その背景を知る為に、『1200万の黒人の声』(12 Million Black Voices, 1941)から少し引用しておこう。

When the white folks move, the Bosses of the Buildings let the property to us at rentals higher than those the whites paid.

And the Bosses of the Buildings take these old houses and convert them into “kitchenettes," and then rent them to us at rates so high that they make fabulous fortunes before the houses are too old for habitation….they take, say, a seven-room apartment, which rents for $50 a month to whites, and cut it up into seven small apartments, of one room each; they install one small gas stove and one small sink in each room….because there are not enough houses for us to live in,…we rent these kitchenettes and are glad to get them….Sometimes five or six of us live in a one-room kitchenette,…3

逃亡中のビガーが屋根から窓ごしに見た一室…そこにはベッドが二つあり、一方のベッドに裸の黒人の子供が三人、睦み合う両親を見ながら座って居る様子を見て、自分にも経験のある見慣れた光景だと目を逸したのだが…も、或いは弁護士マックス(Max)が法廷で、施設もひどく鼠すら巣食っているのに、どうして法外な家賃を取るのかと、所有者ドールトン氏(Dalton)に詰め寄った一部屋式アパートも、そしてこの「小さな部屋」も、紛れもなく上の引用文に示された “キッチンネット"(簡易台所式一部屋アパート)に他ならない。ライトはこの「小さな部屋」に、あるイメージを投影しようとしているが、特に,(1)騒々しい、(2)穢ない、(3)狭い、という点を象徴的に強調していると思われる。以下、その3点に焦点を当てながら、少し詳しい検討に入ることにしよう。

(1) 騒々しい……<騒々しさ>を文字から読者の聴覚に訴えるのに、この場面でライトは音に関する言葉、特に自然音を模した擬声語をことのほか多く使用している。ライトが擬声語を意図的に用いるのは何もこの作品だけに限ったことではないが、それでも読者は先ずBrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinng! という書き出しの語にはっとさせられる。本文を少し引用してみよう


An alarm clock clanged in the dark and silent room. A bed spring creaked. A woman’s voice sang out patiently.

“Bigger, shut that thing off!"

A surly grunt sounded above the tinny ring of metal. Faked feet swished dryly across the planks in the woonden floor and the clang ceased abruptly.

“Turn on the light, Bigger."

“Awright," came a sleepy mumble. 4

次の行でその見慣れない語が目覚し時計の音を表わしていると気付くのだが、同時に、その音を表現し換えた動詞clangと6行後の名詞clangからその金属音が大きく響いたことがわかる。Brrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinng ! という表記から、何か尋常でないものを感じるが、ライトは『長い夢』(The Long Dream, 1958) の中でも、よく似た表記を使っている。6才の主人公が、葬儀屋の父親から寝ずの電話番を頼まれ、呼び寄せた友人と地下室から夜道を通る白人女性を脅した際に、その女性の驚き様に逆に不安を覚え始めた次の場面に於いてである。

They entered the office and stood in the dark.


The phone’s metallic ringing shattered the dark and the boys’ muscles grew stiff. They could hear one another’s breathing.


“Oh Lawd. I got to answer." Fishbelly whispered stickily….

Brriiiiiiiinnnnnnnng! Brrriiiiiiiiiiiinnnng! 6

電話の音にその表記が使われたわけだが、時計の場合と少し違う。ここでは「轟く餘音を表はすのに適切」7 な鼻音 [N] がより長く記されている。余音に力点が置かれたのであろう。死体置場を併設する地下事務所の、比較的広いコンクリートの空間に、真夜中,突然鳴り渡った電話の音が余音を残さないわけはないのだが、それでも微妙に異なる電話の表記の中に、無邪気な少年でさえ「白人女性」の前ではリンチの被害を免れないという南部特有の、あの不安感に揺れる少年の心の綾を表現しようとする作者の工夫のあとが感じられるのだ。8

電話の音が余音に力点が置かれているなら、「鋭敏・急速等を象徴する」9 母音 [i:] を含み、「大きさ」を特徴とするclangで2度言い換えられた時計の音は、喧しさ,慌しさに力点が置かれている。わずか3日間の間に,2人の殺害、逃亡、逮捕を軸にめまぐるしく展開される事件の慌しさを考えれば、喧しさ、慌しさを象徴して余りあるこの時計の躁音は、まさしくこの物語の幕開けの鐘の音にふさわしいものであろう。その意味では、佐伯氏の次の評は言い得て妙と言える。

Brrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinng! という金切り声が、冒頭の第一行目の開幕の合図だが、この長編の結末にいたるまで、この耳にきしむ金属音が鳴りつづけている。作中のあらゆる動きがこの目ざましい時計の音にせきたてられるような目まぐるしさで進行する。10

時計の音を主役とするなら、他の様々な音が脇役で、それぞれ引き立て役を演じている。現実に音声を発したのは、時計、ベッドのバネ、少年の足と床、母親、それに少年である。時計の音と会話文を除く7つの文章を主語+動詞の形で簡略に示すとclock+clang / spring +creak / voice+sing / grunt+sound / feet+swish / clang+cease / mumble+come となる (下線部は擬声語)。又、Brrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinng! は音そのものであり、その動作が動詞clangで、その音がthe tinny ring of metal, the clangでそれぞれ言い換えられている。A woman’s voiceが “Bigger, shut that thing off!" であり、それがA surly gruntで表現されている。最後の “Awright," はa sleepy mumbleと同格である。こうして見ると、最初の9行に含まれた時計の音、3つの会話文、及び7つの文章は、すべてが音声そのもの、もしくは音に係わる表現であることに気付く。しかも、7文のうち6文までが擬声語(clang, creak, grunt, swish, clang, mumble)を含んでおり、それらはすべてO. E. D. に [Imitative.] の表記がある自然音を模した擬声語である。この場合、それらの音が快音ではなく、耳ざわりな大きな音、又は神経に障る噪音であるのは注目に値する。

一つ目の大きな音(clang)ときしみ音(creak)が、母親のいらいらに関する語(impatiently)を、更に不平の表現(A surly grunt)を引き出し、大きな音ときしみ音と「いらいら」にせかされた少年の動作が、「鋭敏・急速等を象徴する」母音iを含む摩擦音swishを生んだことになる。そのような状況であるから、ねむいのに意に反してせかされた少年の口から洩れた不平を表現したmumbleが、この場合、生きてくる。継続的な物の響きに関係する鼻音 [m] 2個と「濁った噪音的な感じを出す」11 有声破裂音 [b] を含むmumbleは、喧しい時計の金属音が突然止んだ静けさの中で、ねむけ眼をこすりながら洩らした少年の不平の響きを言い当てている。そのmumbleと同じく不平を表わすgruntは微妙に違う。喧しい金属音の鳴り響く室内では、当然低い不平の音声は掻き消されるが、その様子が「後に響きを残さぬ瞬間的な」12 感じを表わす末尾の破裂音 [t] に感じられる。

更に、短かく、鋭い摩擦音swishに含まれている短母音目 [i] がiを19個並べた時計の"超" 長母音 [i:] と著しい対比をなして、時計の喧しさの効果を増す働きをしていることも忘れてはならない。

喧しすぎる時計の音の存在のかげに隠れてはいるが、確かに聞えるベッドのバネのきしみ音creakと、少年の足と床の間の摩擦音swishの働きも見逃せない。それらが設備の貧しさを暗示しているからだ。ビガーが寝ていたベッドは決してふかふかの豪華なものではなく粗末な堅い鉄製のものだ。おそらく錆のきたバネがきしみ音を立てたのだろう。又、少年が横切ったのは柔かいじゅうたんの敷き詰められた床の上ではない。色々な汚れと臭いのしみついた硬い床板("the planks")の上である。設備の悪さをほのめかす為にライトは敢えてベッドのバネをきしませ、少年にきしむ床の上を素早く横切らせる場面を設定したということである。それらの設備の貧しさは、のちに暖房器の修理をしてくれない家主への不満をビガーが友人に洩らした一節からも窺える。凍死者も出たと報じられる厳冬のシカゴでの小さなストーブ("a small stove")に対する次の嘆きはあまりにも切なすぎる。

“Kinda warm today."

“Yeah," Gus said.

“You get more heat from this sun than from them old radiators at home."

“Yeah, them old white landlords sure don’t give much heat."

“And they always knocking at your door for money."

“I’ll be glad when summer comes."

“Me too," Bigger said. (13 -14)



母親に促された少年が電気のスイッチを入れ、明るくなった室内では、しばらく少年と母親と妹による比較的穏やかな会話が続く。が、突然かすかに聞え出した音 “a light tapping" によってその状況は一変する。鼠の登場である。鼠はビガーの投げたフライパンによって殺され、ごみ箱にぽいと捨てられて “退場" してしまうのだが、そのあたりを少し端折って引用してみよう

…Abruptly, they all paused,…, their attention caught by a light tapping….Bigger looked round the room,…and grabbed two heavy iron skillets….Buddy ran to a wooden box and shoved it quickly in front of a gaping hole….A huge black rat squealed and leaped at Bigger’s trouser-leg….Bigger held his skillet;…The rat squeaked….Bigger swung the skillet; it clattered to a stop against a wall….The rat…let out a furious screak….The rat  bared tong yellow fangs, heavy piping shrilly,…Bigger…let the skillet fly with a heavy grunt…."I got 'im," he muttered,…. (4-6, 下線は筆者)

喧しい時計の場面とは対照的に、かすかな音を模した擬声語tapによって始まる鼠の場面には.会話を除いて6度の音に関する記述がある。鼠の鳴き声に関してのsqueal, squeak, screak, pipeと、フライパンについてのclatter, gruntである。このうちsqueal, squeak, gruntはO.E.D. に [Imitative.] の表記があり、screak, clatterもそれに類する擬声語である。"piping shrilly" の記述を待つまでもなく、pipeばかりかsqueal, squeak, screakにもすべてshrill(=piercing & high pitched in sound)の含みがあり、それらは恐怖もしくは苦痛の状態に於いて使われる言葉である。[ski:l], [ski:k], [skri:k] に共通して含まれる無声の摩擦音 [s] 及び破裂音 [k] は、退路を断たれ、身の危険を感じ取った鼠が極度の緊張の為に締めつけられたのどから絞り出したしわがれ声の感じを、母音 [i:] はその音の甲高さ、鋭さを象徴している。又、流音 [r], [l] は鼠の動きを暗示しており、squealは声を発しながらビガーに飛びかかる静から動への動作を、squeakは機を窺いながら待つ静の状態を、screakは動から静の、逃げ回って機を窺う状態を、それぞれ表わしている。この中で特に注目したいのはscreakである。Screak は P.O.D., C.O.D. には収録されておらずO.E.D. に “Now chiefly dial." と表記のある語であるが、日頃あまり用いられない語を使ってまで、恐怖に逃げ惑う、音をも含めた感じをそれぞれ写し分けたいという作者の工夫のあとが感じられる一語である。

ビガーが最初に投げたフライパンの音を写したclatterは、cl- でその音の大きさを、無声音 [k] でフライパンと壁との間に発せられた金属音を、 [l] でその動きを暗示しており、投げ損じたフライパンが大きな音をたてて壁に当った感じをうまく伝えている。それに対して、二投目の音を写したgruntに含まれる有声音 [g] は、フライパンが大きな柔かい鼠に命中した際に、壁との間に生まれた鈍い躁音を、流音 [r] はその動きを、更に、末尾の破裂音 [t] は「響きを残さぬ瞬間的な音」の感じをそれぞれ象徴しており、鼠がしとめられたという感じがよく出ている。

先に「会話文を除く」と記したが、会話について少し触れておこう。全体を通して会話文だけが示されている場合が多いのだが、引用文末尾の “I got’im," he muttered. の"muttered" のような記述が、この場面には12回あり、妹には wail, whimper、弟には shout、母親には5回の scream、ビガーには call, whisper, ask, mutter が用いられている。そのうちの screamは恐怖もしくは苦痛の状態で用いられ “at the top of one’s voice" の含みがあり、発音とともに先の [ski:l], [ski:k], [skri:k] と極めて類似している語である。ただ泣きじゃくる(wail, whimper)妹、叫ぶ(shout)弟、金切り声をあげる(scream)母親、鳴き廻る(squeal, squeak, screak)鼠。末尾の、余音を残す鼻音 [m] に導かれた短いつぶやき(mutter)は、それらと対照的に配置されており、慌しく、騒々しいねずみの場面の締めくくりの語にふさわしい。


…Abruptly, they all paused,…, their attention caught by a light tapping in the thinly plastered walls of the room…their eyes strayed apprehensively over the floor.

“There he is again, Bigger!" the woman screamed and the tiny, one-room apartment galvanized into violent action. A chair toppled (4, 下線は筆者)

P.O.D. のtapの説明 “strike a light but audible blow" が示すように tapping はかすかにではあるが何とか聞える音である。しかし、かすかな音に対する家族の反応は実に素早く「小さな一部屋式アパートが火のついたように激しく動き出した。」ここで注目したいのは、鼠がitではなくあくまでheと呼ばれていることだ。奴(he)はいつも現れる顔なじみの「一員」である。母親は金切り声をあげ、妹はベッドに這い上がって泣きじゃくり、兄弟は手にフライパンを持って構える。四人の目は<奴>を追う – しかし、それはあくまでいつもの一光景に過ぎない。<奴>はとてつもなく大きい。兄弟のやりとりが如何に大きかったかを教えてくれる。

The two brothers stood over the dead rat and spoke intones of awed admiration.

“Gee, but he’s a big bastard."

“That sonofabitch could cut your throat."

“He’s over a foot long."

“How in hell do they get so big?"

“Eating garbage and anything else they can get."

“Look, Bigger, there’s a three-inch rip in your pant-leg." (6)


The kitchenette is the seed bed for scarlet fever, dysentery, typhoid, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, pneumonia, and malnutrition.

The kitchenette scatters death so widely among us that our death rate exceeds our birth rate, and….13

母親がビガーに向って「おまえに人並みの甲斐性さえあれば、こんなごみ溜めなんかに住まなくていいのにねえ」(7, 傍点は筆者)と嘆く言葉が真実味を帯びる。ライトは本書出版の翌1941年の暮れに初稿を書き上げ、改稿して1944年に公けにした「地下にひそむ男」("The Man Who Lived Underground")の中でも、この太った鼠を登場させている。

He…jerked his head away as a whisper of scurrying life whisked past and was still. He held the match close and saw a huge rat, wet with slime, blinking beady eyes and baring tiny fangs. The light blinded the rat and the frizzled head moved aimlessly. He grabbed the pole and let it fly against the rat’s soft body; there was a shrill piping and grizzly body splashed into the dun-colored water and was snatched out of sight, spinning in the scuttling stream. 14



“Turn your heads so I can dress," she said.

The two boys averted their eyes and gazed into a far corner of the room….

A brown-skinned girl…fumbled with her stockings. The two boys kept their faces averted while their mother and sister put on enough clothes to keep them from feeling ashamed;…Abruptly, they all paused,…,their attention caught by a light tapping.,..They forgot their conspiracy against shame….(3-4, 下線は筆者)

着替えする度毎に、お互いに恥しい思いをする。狭い部屋の中では避ける術もない。その感じる恥しさの表現 ashamedは元来あくまで受身表現である。もし充分な空間さえあれば、目を逸らす(avert)必要もない。着替えが済むまで部屋の隅をじっと見つめる(gaze) 様子が何ともいじらしい。恥しいと感じさせられる行為が度重なっていつしか恥(shame) という状態に変わる。いかにもそんな感情の機微に触れるashamed, shame の使い分けである。


The kitchenette throws desperate and unhappy people into an unbearable closeness of association, therby increasing latant friction, giving birth to never-ending quarrels of recrimination, accusation, and vindictiveness, producing warped personalities.15


  1. ii) “Bigger, his family," and “their relationships"(「ビガーと家族」)

<騒々しさ>は人の心に苛々を募らせ、<穢なさ>ゆえに種々の病気がはびこる。空間の<狭さ>は家族の間に要らぬ衝突を生み、「人はただくる日もくる日も,わめき合い,ののしり合うばかり。」 (11) そんな中で生まれてくるのは、ぎすぎすした人間関係だけである。狭い部屋の中で、母親は顔さえ合えば「おまえに甲斐性さえあれば…」[“we wouldn’t have to live in this garbage dump if you had any manhood in you,"(7, 下線は筆者)] などとビガーに不平を並べ、南部で暴徒に殺された夫の替わりに “manhood" をビガーに求める。家族の苦しみが、ビガーにはわかりすぎる程わかってはいたが、同時にその家族に何もしてやれない自分を視ていたから、よけいに家族の存在がうとましかった。ビガーは、そんな生活の中で、すでに自らの生き方に結論を出していた。

…So he held toward them an attitude of iron reverse; he lived with them, but behind a wall, a curtain. And toward himself he was even more exacting. He knew that the moment lip, allowed what his life meant to enter fully into his consciousness, he would either kill himself or someone else. So he denied himself and acted tough. (9)

そんなビガーと家族、特に女性(母親と妹)との関係を鼠の場面が象徴的に表わしている。うろたえ、金切り声をあげる母親、ただ泣きじゃくる妹と、あくまで冷静なビガー。両者の対処の仕方が対照的だ。その特徴を暗示しているのがその動作を示す動詞 (若干、名詞を含む) である。<騒々しい>の中で既に少し触れたが、ビガーが外出するまでの冒頭の場面(pp. 3-11)では、母親についてはscreamが6回、sobが3回、cryが1回、妹については whimper が2回,wail, cry, scream が各1回ずつ用いられている。窮地であくまで冷やかなビガーと、泣き、叫ぶ女性 – その図式は第2部,第3部でも再現される。第2部、愛人ベシィー(Bessie)を連れ出し、殺害するまでの場面(pp. 190-201)では、ベシィーについての語の使用はcry 8、whimper, moan, sigh各5、sob(sobsも含む)4、wail, scream各1 (数学は回数を示す)である。更に第3部、ビガーの独房で、検事はじめ家族やドールトン夫妻などが一堂に会する場(pp. 251-257)では、母親についてはsob (sobsも含む)7、 cry 5, wail 2, mumble, whimper各1、妹についてはsob 1である (ビガーが妹に質問を1度だけしているが、妹の発言はない。) それに対しビガーには、冒頭部と第3部の場面でshout がそれぞれ1度ずつ – 冒頭部では、母親がビガーにドールトン氏の提供してくれる仕事に就けと執ように繰り返した時に、又、第3部の場面では、母親がドールトン夫人にひざまづいてビガーの命乞いをした時に用いられているだけである。

女性に共通して使われた sob, cry, wail, whimper などの “泣く" 意の言葉が象徴的イメージを読者に与える意味でのキー・ワーヅの働きをしている。それらのキー・ワーヅを用いてライトが強調したかったのは、惨状に黙従する黒人像、例えば、もはやこの世に希望をなくし酒や宗教に逃避の手段を求めるベシィーや母親の姿である。そのイメージを通して暗にライトはそんな現状への憤りと警告を示している。その憤りや警告は、惨状を生んだ白人社会への抗議とともに、この作品の大きな主題の一つになっている。その意味では、この冒頭の場面で象徴されたビガーと家族との人間関係は、ライトが読者にそのイメージを投影しようとした「物語の組立ての骨組み」のひとつと言えるだろう。


『アメリカの息子』の舞台シカゴは、かって南部で、「ミシシッピで知事になるよりはむしろシカゴで街灯柱でいる方がいい」16 としばしば歌われた、言わばあこがれの地だった。第一次大戦前後には莫大な数の黒人が南部農村を離脱して北部の大都市へ移住したが、ライト自身もそうであったように、その人々にとってシカゴは決して約束の地ではなかった。黒人はゲトーと称する隔離された貧民街の一角に追い遣られ、「雇われるのは最後だが,クビ切られるのは先ず最初!」("Last hired, first fired!")に示された極めて不安定な経済状態を強いられた。黒人と白人との間には目に見えぬカラー・ラインが厳然と引かれ、黒人は実質上、そのラインを決して越えることは出来なかった。かつて南部でプランター達が黒人奴隷を食いものにしたように,北部の大都市では、一部の大資本家が多数の黒人を搾取し、暴利を貧っていた。作品の中で、ビガーの部屋の所有者が、実は慈善事業の一環としてビガーに仕事を提供してくれたドールトン氏であることが判明すると、読者はいやでもその構図を知らされる。ライトはマルキシズムの歴史的、経済的分析を借りて、何世代にもわたって白人が築きあげたアメリカ社会の抱える歪みを指摘し、アメリカの息子ビガーの犯した犯罪の本当の責任の所在を解明することによって、黒人を隔離し、抑圧し続ける白人社会への痛烈な抗議をしてみせたが、サウス・サイドを含むシカゴは、隔離の実態を或いは搾取の経済構造を明らかにする舞台としては最適の場所だったのである。



The kitchenette injects pressure and tension into our individual personalities, making many of us give up the struggle, walk off and leave wives, husbands, and even children behind to shift as best they can….

The kitchenette blights the personalities of our growing children, disorganizes them, blinds them to hope, creates problems whose effects can be traced in the characters of its child victims for years afterward.17



ライトは「黒人はアメリカの隠喩である」("The Negro is the metaphor of America.")とよく言ったが、その言葉を借りて言えば、「小さな部屋」はサウス・サイドの隠喩であり、「鼠」はビガーの隠喩であると言うことになろう。



1 Richard Wright, “How 'Bigger’ Was Born," Saturday Review, No. 22 (June 1, 1940), rpt. in Native Son (New York: Harper & Row, 1965), p. xxix.

2 “How 'Bigger’ Was Born," p. xxxiii.

3 12 Million Black Voices: A Folk History of the Negro in the United States (1941; rpt. New York: Arno & The Times 1969), pp. 104-105.

4 Native Son (New York: Harper & Brother, 1940), p. 3; 本書の引用については、ペイジ数のみを (  ) 内に記す。

5 P.O.D. のClangの項には “1. Loud resonant metallic sound" とあり、clangが「大きな、響く金属音」を表わすことがわかる。

6 Richard Wright, The Long Dream (1958; rpt. Chatham: The Chatham Bookseller, 1969), p. 54.

7 乾亮一、「擬声語雑記」(『市河博士還暦祝賀論文集』第二輯、研究社、1947年)、3ペイジ。

8 読者には「ビッグ・ボーイは故郷を去る」(“Big Boy Leaves Home," 1936) で、偶々泳いでいた現場近くに白人女性が居合わせていた為に、悲惨な運命を辿った4人の少年の姿が浮かぶ。更に、この物語 (『長い夢』) では,この事件のすぐあとで、白人の女性と係わりのあったという主人公の友人が暴徒に惨殺される場面がある。読者は “不安" が的中することを知って、この場面がその一つの伏線となっていることに気付く。

9 乾亮一、「擬声語雑記」、6ペイジ。

10 佐伯彰一、『文学的アメリカ』(中央公論社、1967年)、193ペイジ。もっとも、同氏の『アメリカ文学史』(筑摩書房、1969年、156ペイジ) には「シカゴのスラム街生まれの黒人主人公が,二人の白人を殺害して、…」(傍点は筆者) とあるから、本書がきっちりと読まれてはいないのだが。

11 乾亮一、「擬声語雑記」、2ペイジ。

12 同上、3ペイジ。

13 Wright, 12 Million Black Voices, pp. 106-107.

14 “The Man Who Lived Underground," in Cross Section, ed. E. Seaver (New York: L. B. Fisher, 1944) , p.60.

15 12 Million Black Voices, pp. 108.

16 Cf. Richard Wright, Lawd Today (New York: Walker, 1963), p. 154. (“Lawd, I’d ruther be a lamppost tin Chicago than the President in Miss’sippi…")

17 Wright, 12 Million Black Voices, pp. 109-111.






Native Sonの冒頭部の表現における象徴と隠喩(186KB)






この年の11月のライトの国際シンポジウムで、ケント州立大学の伯谷嘉信さんから、87年のMLA (Modern Language Association of America)へのお誘いを受けて発表することになったのですが、この「ライトとエンクルマ」の発表が、結果的には、「イギリス文学・アメリカ文学以外の英語文学」の部会で発表した南アフリカの作家アレックス・ラ・グーマへの橋渡しになりました。







「黒人研究の会会報」(1985) 第22号 6ペイジ。


7月例会: 神戸外大 (7月27日)



















