

Africa and Its Descendants(英文書、Mondo Books, 1995)の続編です。

Africa and Its Descendants

Africa and Its Descendants 2




CHAPTER 1 (pp. 6-29) : The neo-colonial stage: Mechanism and realities

I Introduction
II The mechanism and realities of neo-colonialism

II-1 The age of independence
II-2 The creation of African new classes
II-3 Economic dependence
II-4 Development aid
II-5 Growth without development
II-6 Self-reliance and concession

CHAPTER 2 (pp. 30-47) : Literary works

1 And a Threefold Cord by Alex La Guma
2 The Honourable MP by Gonzo H. Mesengezi

Chapter 3 (pp. 48-75) : Contemporary issues

1 AIDS epidemic
2 Zaire’s turmoil
3 My stay in Harare, 1992

Chapter 4 (pp. 76-91) : Afro-American songs: spirituals and gospel music by African descendants







Alex La Guma’s And a Threefold Cord

H.G. Mesengeni’s The Honourable MP






Preface Our self-image reflected by Africa
This is the second volume of the AFRICA TODAY series. In the previous work, Africa and its Descendants (1995), I tried to provide a general introduction to African and Afro-American history. In the first chapter I described the colonization of Africa by Europeans, briefly mentioning some contemporary problems, such as the AIDS epidemic. I wanted to show a historical view free from the distortion of Western bias. In the next chapter I gave weight to the struggle on the part of black South Africans for equality and justice, for a key role of the new South Africa is to become a leading nation. In the final chapter I added a survey of Afro-American history to show what has transpired among one part of the diaspora of African descendants. Japan has been too much influenced by the United States of America, not least in its historical perspectives, especially after the Second World War. I felt keenly that it would be of some use for us to reconsider American influence and free ourselves from its bias.

In this second work I’d like to depict the neo-colonial phase in African history, as well as the music of African descendants. In the first chapter the focus is on the mechanism and realities of neo-colonialism. In the second chapter I’ll deal with the neo-colonial scenes in two literary works by African writers: Alex La Guma’s And a Threefold Cord and Gonzo H. Musengezi’s The Honourable MP. In the third chapter, after discussions of the AIDS epidemic and Zaire’s turmoil, I would like to add a brief account of our family’s short stay in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1992. In the final chapter, spirituals and gospel music by African Americans are examined; some messages of their forefathers have been passed on to later generations in the form of music. African descendants are still singing their songs in their own styles.

Since the equal relationship between Africans and Europeans was broken down by the slave trade and colonization process, the exploitation has continued even to this day by changing its forms. Now we are in the last stage: the neo-colonial phase. What we should remember here is that we are on the side of the robber and that some 'chosen’ Africans are in a similar position.

Nowadays all citizens on this earth face some life-threatening problems: nuclear war, global warming, etc. Those urgent issues should take priority over all other problems, but selfish human desire seems to be worsening the situation, as was shown at the Third Conference of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Kyoto.

I often hear many Japanese say how lucky we are to be living in such a rich and safe country. They seem satisfied with their 'peaceful’ situation with material abundance and convenience. However, we have to reevaluate our way of life and thinking, for our vanity is based partly on the sacrifice of the robbed, who are still suffering from poverty and racial conflicts. It’s time to reconsider our self-image as reflected by Africa and world problems.

I hope the following chapters will be of some help in formulating a new approach to African and Afro-American problems and studies.

I am thankful to have benefited from The Struggle for Africa, 'The Glory of Negro History,’ as well as other works cited in my bibliography, and Basil Davidson, a strong advocate of African solutions to African problems. I borrowed the dedication phrase from his book Can Africa Survive?

I would like to thank Mrs. Blanche La Guma and Dr. Cecil Anthony Abrahams, Mr. Junpei Hasumi, and Mr. Masaki Ota.

I met the two South Africans while they were forced to live in exile. Blanche welcomed our family to lunch at her temporary house in London in 1992, and has kindly permitted me to use her correspondence.

Cecil accepted me with his family at his house in Canada in 1987. He talked about La Guma and gave me the chance to take part in the 1988 La Guma / Bessie Head Memorial Conference, where I met Blanche for the first time.

Both Blanche and Cecil are now back in South Africa. Blanche enjoys her retired life and Cecil plays an important role at the University of Western Cape.

Mr. Hasumi visited Harare this March again and offered me some precious information about Zimbabwe. Mr. Ota gave me some advice on the AIDS issue. They were also kind enough to proofread some sections of my manuscript. Both Mr. Hasumi and Mr. Ota are medical students.

This time again, I wish to thank both Mr. William (Bill) Nikolai, my friend, editor and former colleague (now living in Canada), and Mondo Books, my publisher.
In Miyazaki, Japan                                 Yoshi



1. Books

Basil Davidson, Can Africa Survive? (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1974)
N’gugi wa Thiong’o, Writers in Politics (London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1981)
N’gugi wa Thiong’o, Writing Against Neocolonialism (Middlesex: Vita Books, 1986)
Kwame Nkrumah, Autobiography (London: Panaf, 1957).
Kwame Nkrumah, Africa Must Unite (London: Panaf, 1963).
Kwame Nkrumah, Neocolonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism (London: Panaf, 1965).
Ed. Mai Palmberg, The Struggle for Africa (London: Zed Press, 1983).
Andro Proctor et al, People and Power Book Two (Harare: Academic Books, 1992)
Richard Wright, Black Power (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954).
Steve Biko: I Write What I Like (New York: Harper & Row, 1978).

2. Periodicals

Brook Larmer, “The New Colonialismーnot Since 1945 Have So Many Nations Needed Rebuilding" in Newsweek (August 1, 1994).
David Gordon, “Haves and Have-NotsーWhat about those who can’t afford the new AIDS drugs? The view from the rest of the world" in Newsweek (December 9, 1996).

3. TV Film

African Series 1-8. 1983. NHK Educational.


1. Books

Cecil Anthony Abrahams, Alex La Guma (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1985).
Alex La Guma, A Walk in the Night (Ibadan: Mbari Publications, 1962).
Alex La Guma, And a Threefold Cord (Berlin: Seven Seas Publishers, 1964).
Gonzo H. Musengezi, The Honourable MP (Harare: Mambo Press, 1984).

2. Periodicals

“Alex La Guma’s First NovelーBanned by the Sabotage Act" in New Age (August 9, 1962).
Donna Bryson, “Housing South Africans still has long way to go" in the Daily Yomiuri (September 17, 1996).
Mary Braid, “Crooks push Cape Town’s credentials" in the Daily Yomiuri (August 24, 1997).
“Mbeki takes over as president of ANC" in the Daily Yomiuri (December 12, 1997).

3. Film

Cry Freedom. 1987. A director: Richard Attenborough.


1. Books

秋山武久、『HIV感染症』(南山堂、1997年) [AKIYAMA Takehisa, HIV Infectious Diseases (Tokyo:Nanzando,1997)].国立大学保健管理施設協議会特別委員会、『エイズ教職員のためのガイドブック’98』(国立大学保健管理施設協議会特別委員会、1998年) [Ed. by the Special Committee of the Health Facilities of National Universities, AIDSーA ’98 Guide Book for University Teachers and Officials (the Special Committee of the Health Facilities of National Universities, 1998)] .

2. Periodicals


“'AIDS orphans’ rise as Africa battles disease" in the Daily Yomiuri (August 7, 1994).
Karl Maier, “Aids epidemic chokes the life of southern Africa" in the Independent included in the Daily Yomiuri (July 30, 1995).
Roger J. Pomerantz and Didier Trono, “Genetic therapies for HIV infections: promise for the future" in AIDS (1995), 9: 985-993.
John Balzar, “In Uganda, a scourge on families" in the Los Angeles Times included in the Daily Yomiuri (November 27, 1995).
“AIDS onslaughter straining resources in Africa" in the Daily Yomiuri (April 30, 1996).
“Targetting a Deadly Scrap of Genetic Code" in Newsweek (December 9, 1996).
Joanne Kenen, “Reserchers: An AIDS cure likely would involve multidrug therapies" in the Daily Yomiuri (February 1, 1997).
“Zimbabwe battles with alarming rise in rapes" in the Daily Yomiuri (August 17, 1997).
“AIDS rivals malaria as killer in Africa" in the Daily Yomiuri (December 9, 1997).

<On Zaire>

David Orr, “A nation at his finger tips" in the Daily Yomiuri (November 24, 1996).
William Wallis, “Zaire’s Mobutu faces difficult homecoming" in the Daily Yomiuri (December 17, 1996).
Mary Braid, “West gives Mobutu green light to unleash dogs of war in Zaire" in the Daily Yomiuri (February 2, 1997).
Lucy KomIsar, “U.S. Put Him In, Now Get Mobutu Out" in the Daily Yomiuri (February 11, 1997).
Helen Watson Winternitz, “The U.S. Must Cut Its Ties to Mobutu" in the Los Angeles Times included in the Daily Yomiuri (March 24, 1997).
Bob Drogin, “Zaire’s Elite Seek to Keep Positionsーand Wealth" in the Los Angeles Times included in the Daily Yomiuri (March 31, 1997).
Bob Drogin, “Ali Won the Fight, But Zaire Was the Loser" in the Washington Post included in the Daily Yomiuri (April 4, 1997).
Basil Davidson, “Zair’s Turmoil Invites an African Solution" in the Los Angeles Times included in the Daily Yomiuri (April 28, 1997).
Susan Linnee, “Rift on the river: Rebels getting snagged?" in the Daily Yomiuri (April 28, 1997).
Reuben Abati, “World needs to get more involved in Zaire" in the Daily Yomiuri (May 11, 1997).
“Mobutu escapes to Morocco after civil war defeat" in the Daily Yomiuri (May 19, 1997).
“Kabila wins Zaire・ can he keep it?" in the Daily Yomiuri (May 20, 1997).
“Zaire’s Second Chance" in the Washington Post included in the Daily Yomiuri (May 23, 1997).
“Kabila stalls on naming new government" in the Daily Yomiuri (May 23, 1997).
Julius Nyerere, “Pushing Kabila on Early election unrealistic" in the Los Angeles Times included in the Daily Yomiuri (May 25, 1997).
“Kabila takes oath as president of Congo" in the Daily Yomiuri (May 31, 1997).
Mike Tidwell, “Looking Back in Anger: Life in Mobutu’s Zair" in the Washington Post included in the Daily Yomiuri (June 6, 1997).
Ann M. Simmons, “In Congo, Hopes Rise With Fall of Dictator" in the Los Angeles Times included in the Daily Yomiuri (June 23, 1997).
Tina Susman, “Mobutu ーlast of Africa’s Cold War relics" in the Daily Yomiuri (September 9, 1997).
Helen Watson Wintemitz, “Overcoming Mobutu’s Sad Legacy in Congo" in the Los Angeles Times included in the Daily Yomiuri (September 29,

<On Harare>

“Price rises trigger Zimbabwe riots" in the Daily Yomiuri (January 21, 1998).
“Zimbabwe president warns rioters" in the Daily Yomiuri (January 22, 1998).

3. Dictionary

Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 26th Edition (London: Williams & Wilkins, 1995).


1. Books

Herman Bartelen, The Story of American Popular Music (Tokyo: Macmillan Laguagehouse, 1997).
Langston Hughes, “The Glory of Negro History" in The Langston Hughes Reader (New York: George Braziller, 1958), pp. 464-480.
Eileen Southern, The Music of Black Americans (New York: W・W・Norton & Company, 1983).
Howard Thurman, Deep River and the Negro Spirituals Speak of Life AND Death (Richmond: Friends United Press, 1975).

2. Periodicals

Roxanne Brown, “The Glory of Gospel" in Ebony (May, 1988).
Lisa C. Jones, “Kirk Franklin New Gospel Sensation" in Ebony (October, 1995).
Lisa Jones Townsel, “Gospel Star Kirk Franklin Back From the Brink of Death" in Ebony (April, 1997).



翻訳書にアレックス・ラ・グーマ著『まして束ねし縄なれば』、注訳書にAlex La Guma, A Walk in the Night,、Alex La Guma, And a Threefold Cord、著書に『箱舟一21世紀に向けて』(共著),、Africa Today 1 Africa and its Descndants (いずれも門土社刊)がある。

校閲●William Nikolai

Born in Vancouver, Canada in 1956 and graduated from the University of British Columbia. He was a teacher of English at Fukuoka University of Education and Miyazaki Medical College and now conducts reserch in cross-cultural communication in Canada.


<テキストの解説>を、門土社(横浜)のメールマガジン「モンド通信」に連載しました。→「Africa and Its Descendants 2 アフリカとその末裔たち2一覧」




英文書、Mondo Books


Africa and Its Descendants Neo-colonial Stage – Africa Today Series 02 



英文の著書Africa and its Descendants(『アフリカとその末裔たち』)です。大学の英語の授業で使いました。








Preface Our mind’s eye

In 1992 when I was staying in Harare, Zimbabwe, I felt suffocated all the time, maybe because of subconscious feelings of guilt; I had come to realize that we are on the side of the robber in the world. The reality I faced was overwhelming; the gap between the rich and the poor was far more tremendous than I had imagined. I remember clearly how relieved I felt, when we dropped in to Paris on our way back home, and briefly benefited from its many comforts.

I visited Africa as a research associate of the University of Zimbabwe. We rented a house near the University for 3E100,000 per month. The sum was about 800 US dollars (US$) and about 4,000 Zimbabwe dollars (ZW$). The house lot was about 1,600 square meters in area.

I met Mr. Garikayi Mhoyo there. He is a Shona, which is the majority ethnic group. He was hired as a 'garden boy,’ an ordinary domestic worker, by an elderly white woman. We became close friends. I called him Gary and he called me Yoshi. I found that he lived alone, except when his family came to stay with him during the school holidays. Our family came to spend much time with his. Our children played with his children all day long. My wife asked his wife to be a model for her paintings. They had no common languages, but enjoying their time together was no problem.

I was told that his monthly wage was only ZW$170 and that most people could not afford to send their children even to secondary school. The basketball with which they enjoyed playing in the garden was worth ZW$199! I heard the minimum wage for domestic workers for white families was ZW$130 per month. Some workers might even have been paid less if the government had not controlled wages; women workers in particular might have earned significantly less. I found later that the room rate at the Sheraton Hotel was about US$150 a night, equivalent to about ZW$750. It would have taken Gary more than four months to earn enough money to stay only one night at the Sheraton Hotel!

One day we visited his village to see his children who had already returned to school. His homestead was at the foot of a hill on a plateau. He pointed at the hill and explained, “That is our land, right up the flank of that hill." It was spacious, indeed. I felt stunned to find that he had been thrown into virtual serfdom, forced by economic necessity to work as a cheap labourer. Yet, Gary’s forefathers lived a self-sufficient, rich life, in peace, just a hundred years ago. Gary had to live alone in the city a whole year, apart from his family, though his family had this spacious land in their village. That was the reality.


At the University I was asked whether “ninjas" still ran around here and there in towns in Japan. Those inane questions were posed by students selected from throughout the whole country for admission to the only university in Zimbabwe. Yet, we saw many Japanese cars running on the streets in Harare. Japan was familiar yet strange and unknown. Likewise, in Japan, Africa is also misregarded through so many negative images. Phrases like “primitive and savage" and “the Dark Continent" are still used often and can be seen to stem from a pervasive Western bias. Under these conditions of ignorance we cannot expect to achieve mutual understanding.

I hope this introductory text to African and African-American history will be of some help to those who are interested in Africa and its descendants.

I began to do African studies by chance, in the course of my inquiry I was drawn deeply into the stories of people who had managed to live decent lives in spite of severe oppression. Some were killed by the system, but their souls are living on. It depends on “our mind’s eye" whether we can understand them or not. What we know is nothing, as compared with what we don’t know. It is with our “mind’s eye" that we can understand what we don’t know, when we happen to face it.

I met some Africans who were fighting against oppression inside and outside their countries. In Canada I met Cecil Anthony Abrahams, a South African scholar, and Blanche La Guma, wife of a South African writer. They were both in exile then. The times are changing; now these people are back in South Africa.


I would like to dedicate this book to Alex La Guma who died in exile in 1985, and to Blanche, and Cecil, hoping that their newly reborn country might lead Africa and the world to a better situation.

This text is based on The Struggle for Africa and “The Glory of Negro History." The former book, originally published in Swedish, was an introduction to Africa for young people and the latter essay was written in the 1950’s by Langston Hughes, an African-American poet. The poet recorded the text with his own reading and some music. I am thankful to have benefited both intellectually and spiritually from these works.

Lastly, I wish to thank both William Nikolai, my copy editor, and Mondo Books, my publisher.

In Miyazaki, Japan            Yoshi



Chapter 1: The Colonization of Africa



Chapter 2: The Struggle for South Africa




Chapter 3: A Short History of Black Americans




1. Articles

Langston Hughes, “The Glory of Negro History" in The Langston Hughes Reader (New York: George Braziller, 1958), pp. 464-480.
Philip Van Niekerk, “Kenya’s unmentionable name: Ngugi" in The Weekly Mail (Supplement to the Week Mail, June 30 to July 6, 1989), pp. 1-2.

2. Books

John Hope Franklin, Front Slavery to Freedom: A History of Negro Americans (1947; rpt. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980).
Ed. Langston Hughes, Milton Meltzer, and C.Eric Lincoln, A Pictorial History of Blackamericans (New York: Crown, 1983).
George Lee, Decisions and the African-American Experience 1619-1993 (Lewistown: Mark Twain Media, Inc., 1993).
Ed. Mai Palmberg, The Struggle for Africa (London: Zed Press, 1983).
Malcolm X on Afro-American History (New York: Pathfinder, 1970).
Kwame Nkrumah, Africa Must Unite (London: Panaf, 1963).
Kwame Nkrumah, Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism (London: Panaf, 1965).
Neil Parsons, A New History of Southern Africa (Harare: The College Press, 1982).
Benjamin Pogrund, Sobukwe and Apartheid: How Can Man Die Better… (Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 1990).
Andre Proctor and Ian Phimister, People and Power (Harare: Academic Books Zimbabwe, 1991).
Steve Biko: I Write What I Like (New York: Harper & Row, 1978).
Carter G. Woodson, The Negro in Our History (1922; rpt. Washington D. C.: The Assocated Publishers, 1945).
Richard Wright, Black Power (1954; rpt. Conecticut: Greenwood, 1974).
Richard Wright, Twelve Million Black Voices (New York: The Viking Press, 1941).
3. Films

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. 1968. Director: Stanley Kramer.
Roots. 1977. TV series. Executive producer: David L. Wolper.
Gandhi. 1982. Director: Richard Attenborough.
Cry Freedom. 1987. Director: Richard Attenborough.

4. Dictionaries

A Dictionary of English Usage in Southern Africa (Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1975).
A Dictionary of South African English (Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1987).
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (London: Longman, 1978).
Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English (London: Oxford University Press, 1974).
Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1976).
Academic American Encyclopedia (Princeton: Arete Publishing Company, 1981).
The Negro Almanac (New York: The Bellwether Company, 1971).



1949年,兵庫県に生まれる。翻訳にアレックス・ラ・グーマ著『まして束ねし縄なれば』,注訳書にAlex La Guma, A Walk in the Nrght, Alex L aGuma, And a ThreefoldCord,著書に『箱舟一21世紀に向けて』(共著)(いずれも門土社刊)がある。

【校閲者】William Nikolai

Born in Vancouver, Canada in 1956 and graduated from the University of British Columbia. Now he is a foreign teacher of English Conversation at Miyazaki Medical College and conducts his reserch in cross-cultural communication.






英文書、Mondo Books(上が1版、下が2版)


Africa and Its Descendants – Africa Today Series 01(本文は作業中)






マグディ・カァリル・ソリマン / 日本語訳 玉田吉行









サルタン・ハッサンモスク……紀元後一三五六年に建造された、アラブ建築の傑作です。カイロで一番高い二百二フィートの塔に加えて、コーランの文章が刻んである八本の大理石柱で支えられている、半球型の屋根に覆われた美しい中庭があります。また、お祈りの前の体を浄める儀式に使う中央の噴水やエナメル細工のガラスランプもあります。 サラディンの城……モカタン山の中腹にあり、城からはカイロ全体が見え、遠くはギザピラミッドが望めます。一一八三年、サラディン王によって建てられ、古代の城壁内には、アラバスタルモスクやソライマンモスクなどの興味深い建物がたくさんあります。岩の中、九十メートルの深さに掘ったジョセフの井戸もあります。城を後にする前に、もし時間が許せば、ここでの華麗なサン〓エ〓ルミィェール(音と光のショー)を見てみるのもいいでしょう。





















マグディ・カアリル・ソリマン「エジプト 古代歴史ゆかりの地」(翻訳)










